Blondie's Comments You Will Not Hear at the 06-29-08 WT Study (WORTHWHILE)

by blondie 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • blondie

    Good points, Robert

    So a person can't be a doctor or artist and tell people about God? This article gives no information of exactly how walking door to door and sitting for hours in a kingdom hall is a fulfilling life? And we should live our life so as to have a good eulogy?? I thought JWs don't need to worry about death?

    I guess the WTS feels that if want the carrot, everlasting life on a paradise earth, only d2d will achieve that, and you don't even have to bring anyone in to qualify. And yes, jws are told that they will never die living right into the "new system."

    Hi, WTWizard, but then Solomon was allowed to explore all types of work....and write about it in the Bible. It reminds of jws I know that have professional careers and are admired, mostly because they donate great sums to the WTS. Money talks.

    Hey, Bluesbrother, I always wondered if the d2d is the most satisfying, why so many jws spent so little time doing it and that there is a national average of only 10 hours. Back in the olden days, ten hours was the required goal, in black and white. So that is all jws would do even if they could go out 30 or 40 hours. So the WTS changed that policy hoping that the rank and file would DO more. But the average has changed little and few jws pioneer compared to the past, where is the urgency?

    Good comments, OTWO.

    I know an elder that bought a $250,000 plane...sure he had the money, but then there was a family that had been laid off and their unemployment was running out and the job prospects were little...did he Eventually, their non-jw BIL found them a small house and hired him on his construction team, all the while asking why no one in the congregation had helped.

    Yes Bob, wisdom is more than words, but is what we do that. Wisdom is applied knowledge.

    Keyser, d2d could be boring. I made it my goal to find out about people and encourage them. My style at the door made other jws uncomfortable. I would imagine that this person could be my friend. I avoided pushing publications and concentrated on using an interesting scripture. I also made it a point to go out when people were home. It was hard at first to leave the WTS model behind but I had more fun and made some good friends. My problem was convincing myself that coming to the KH and being treated unkindly was a good thing for these people.

    Very good, Billy. It is amazing how the WTS picks such examples for Christians to follow. Where was the holy spiriit when God made this promise to David...a promise that couldn't be rescinded. And then out of all David's sons, was only Solomon qualified, the offspring with a woman whose husband he killed so he could marry her? If God had applied the law of death for adultery to Bathsheba (had a promise been made to her and had she shown mercy to others?), there would have been no Solomon.

    Well, heathen, that is a colorful comment. I always imagined that Solomon probably did not have sex with all those women but that many of them were just political alliances. With only 365 days a year, and 1000 women..........

    Hey, Borgia, it is also good to Google any incomplete allusions to non-jw sources. The WTS is very deceptive. How can you accept their information as authoritative if you don't know who, when, and the complete source.

    Love Blondie

  • ozziepost

    Satan's world--how is it possible for a jw to think that Satan is the "god of this system of things" yet it doesn't mean that all non-jws are worshipping Satan?

    So strange this teaching of theirs! It seems to go contrary to their teaching that Jehovah is the Almighty God. Their literature seems to indicate that Satan has equal power - no wonder that dubs are running scared of Satan!

    They take the text about Satan being ruler of the world way out of context - but that's nothing new, eh?

  • Rapunzel

    I'm not so sure that there is much [or any] proof that "Solomon" wrote the book of Ecclesiastes. In any case, whoever the author, the book of Ecclesiastes is one of the very few bible books to present a position that even remotely approaches what could called an "existential/existentialist" point of view. As such, this book may well be useful in formulating ieas when a person ponders the "meaning" of life, or when he/she is searching for meaning in life. It seems that Ecclesiastes is one of the few bible books to retain any relevancy for modern people. It is one of the few bible books that is at all suitable when pondering what ultimate meaning human existence might have. Ecclesiastes is one of the least dogmatic and doctrinaire books of the bible. Ironically, I find myself to be in agreement with Watchtower society in their using Ecclesiastes in this context, even though it is a question of an "Old Testament" book.

    I don't know why the society does not print out the scripts of the bible dramas at conventions. That's a good question that never occured tome. However, it is doubtful that a person could attribute any sinister motivation to this neglect/oversigt. After all, these dramas are public events staged in public stadia. These dramas are viewed by many, many thousands of people.

    As for their inventing non-biblical personages, I had been thinking about this very issue recently. I'm not sure, but maybe they view it as "poetic" or "artistic" license or freedom. It's hard to know what their exact motivation was. By the way, I thinkthat the gist of the drama - the idea behind it - is complete nonsense.

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