Modern Bibles - Atonement - Part VI

by Perry 33 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Rapunzel

    It should be noted that in Romans7:7, Paul is of course quoting the Decalogue, specifically the fifth chapter of Deuteronomy, verse 21 - "You should not covet your neighbor's wife. You shall not desire your neighbor's house or field, nor his male or female slave, nor his ox or ass, nor anything that belongs to him." Isn't it sad to see that a man's wife is considered merely as chattel? In this verse, a man's wife is "lumped in" with a man's slaves, property, and livestock. She's simply another piece of his property. And these are purportedly the "words of God." It reminds me of a quote by the French philosopher, Voltaire - "If God has created us in his own image, we have more than reciprocated."

    "God is a comedian, playing to an audience too afraid to laugh." - Voltaire

    "I have only ever made one prayer to God, a very short one: 'O Lord make my enemies ridiculous.' And God granted it." - Voltaire

    "Governments need to have both shepherds and butchers." - Voltaire.

  • Perry


    I think some commentary is needed before the body of your response can be properly examined.


    The overall thrust of your argument is that guilt is the real problem here. You seem to be saying that if a person could just get rid of guilt then the need for atonement would go away. (Why a person would desire Atonement to go away instead of the cause of guilt is a whole another discussion.) Of course, on the surface this is simply self justification and could be applied to any action (if it didn't hurt anyone your opinion of course). This is the foundation of chaos and anarchy. If this is what you want .... don't let me stand in your way, knock yourself out. Personally, it is not a place I want to be internally or societally.

    Digging a little deeper reveals that this empty philosophy doesn't enhance human nature at all, ( ALIEVIATION OF GUILT) rather it is a subtraction, a taking away of part of our humanity, ... the emotion of guilt itself. Bugs don't feel guilt but I don't want to be like them. Now, granted you seem to be limiting some of your notions of wrong to that which "harms" others. Two points here: One, I already made the point that a person would need to be truly "good", and to be able to see the end of all things to make that absolute judgment....which we are neither.

    (You focus on sexual I'd just like to point out that the short term gratification of sexual sin doesn't outweigh the long term consequences ie, disease, unwanted pregnancies, addiction to the sexual quick fix itself, objectification of the person desired etc. Instead of sexual initiation being an expression and facet of love, family, procreation etc, it becomes an expression of itself in its perverted form. God says this is not the way it should be used and that it is a sin. I may not agree with God, I may enjoy perversion, but I don't know as much as he does either. I may not be able to do as he wishes on my own power, but that doesn't mean that he is wrong just because I CANNOT live the way He wants me to.)

    And two, you seem to be suggesting that if you could just dismiss God, then you could get rid of guilt....and then of course you could get rid of YOUR need for a Savior. Again, as I pointed out above the goal here seems to be the erridication of the emotion of guilt itself....Kill God = kill the emotion of guilt he created, seems to be the prediction and tack here.

    I have travelled extensively in heathen countries where Christianity is just now seeing the light of day and where the people have been officially atheist/communist for many, many decades. Guilt is so much more prevalent there than in western lands. Because, the West has a penchant for laws that they get from the bible, it provides a framework for the emotion of guilt. In the Far East, it seems to me that people are burdened by all kinds of guilt like, familial guilt, status guilt, ancestor guilt, political guilt, racial guilt, gender guilt. There is plenty of unhealty guilt in heathen lands that have nothing to do with the God of the bible.

    Of course, the Humanist will say YES! .... that's why they all need to be properly educated by us. Of course, the brave new world that the humanist envisions is just as limiting in terms of "knowing" right and wrong as the heathen. Violate one of the Humanists rules, and he'll sling guilt, shame and a lawsuit to confiscate your personal property. We are starting to see this now with "hate" laws, political correctness etc. as the world moves more and more toward a monolithic society. Like here:

    Next Stop .... confiscating the personal property of Christian Ministers that won't perform Sodomite "marriages"?

    No, guilt is definitely not the problem. The challenge is living up to what God has said is right or wrong....not getting rid of the notions, nor simply replacing them with the notions of another who is far less likely to get it right. The rhetoric of the modernists is... just change the parameters if you fail....that way you can't fail. Of course, this becomes meaningless drivel when you break one of their rules and they break loose all hell on you.

    By contrast, God offer success not failure, through the re-birth. Guilt is dealt with through the instrument of VICTORY ... not deception, empty talk, and failure. It is an infinitely superior model than the one offered by secularists.

    I'll address your comments about Romans next.

  • Perry

    Jeff wrote:

    The fact is that Paul is discussing sin. He gives an example of a sin he still believes is a problem for him, covetousness. He dispairs over it. But he also admits in verse 7 that if there wasn't a specific prohibition on covetousness taught to him, he woudn't have known it to be wrong and to thus feel guilty about it.

    Let's look at some other scriptures to put this in context:

    Romans 2:

    14 For when the Gentiles, which have not the law, do by nature the things contained in the law, these, having not the law, are a law unto themselves: 15 Which shew the work of the law written in their hearts, their conscience also bearing witness, and their thoughts the mean while accusing or else excusing one another;16 In the day when God shall judge the secrets of men by Jesus Christ according to my gospel.

    We are created in Gods' image. Although man is fallen, under the curse of vanity, and cannot accept God on his own power.... there are still substantial vestiges of justice and conscience written in the DNA of man. I personally believe that on Judgment Day this will be a factor in the decision God pronounces on individuals. What did you do with what you knew, or agreed with? Did you follow your own rules consistently? When you failed to do so (and all have), and then quickly excused yourself, did you ever judge someone else for doing the same thing against you? Gavel comes down....God says, "my laws are irrelevant in this case. You are guilty as charged out of your own mouth." Place him with the hypocrits.

    In Romans Chapter 7 God isn't addressing the heathen gentiles:

    1 Know ye not, brethren, (for I speak to them that know the law,)

    He is speaking to his covenant people who were given a vast expansion of the natural DNA embedded law, and that they agreed to live by. After more than a dozen centuries, Paul under the action of the Holy Spirit draws some conclusion on the matter. He points out how, although he agrees that the law is "good"...

    12 Wherefore the law is holy, and the commandment holy, and just, and good.

    It had some unexpected (not to God) effects:

    8 But sin, taking occasion by the commandment, wrought in me all manner of concupiscence.

    One of the surprising unexpected consequences:

    16 If then I do that which I would not, I consent unto the law that it is good. 17 Now then it is no more I that do it, but sin that dwelleth in me. 18 For I know that in me (that is, in my flesh,) dwelleth no good thing: for to will is present with me; but how to perform that which is good I find not.

    Paul found that sin was exacerbated by the Law. In other words, a part of him experienced an elevated sense of excitement when sinning, as result of it. Since he had greater knowledge of what was wrong, it made doing that wrong all the more enticing and irrestible. I have certainly experienced this "forbidden fruit" syndrome as have many others.

    13 ... But sin, that it might appear sin, working death in me by that which is good; that sin by the commandment might become exceeding sinful.

    Since you bring sexuality into the discussion: Here, professional purveyors of perversion capitolize on the aphrodisiac inducing nature of breaking God's laws at a Sodomite street fair:

    God is a warrior God. He knew that the Law would stregthen sin. So he empowered it's existence by stating his Laws, first by Moses and then further clarifying them by Jesus. A person might at first think, "why would he do that?. I though he didn't like sin"

    The answer is that God wants to take sin on in its full force and defeat it there, on the battlefield of life, in full force..... in open view, in the lives of his witnesses. The Law has had the unexpected effect of strengthening sin to the point where it is obvious to many people that they are caught in its vice, and cannot escape from its grip even if they want to. This powerlessness over sin should lead honest people to the conclusion that they need a Savior from its power.

    Of course, the neo-pagan religions, humanists, and other secularists seek to encourage vice as a goal...even in the face of it's very short lived, addictive, and repetetive nature that relates to its delivery of happiness out of the doldrums of existence.

    Paul does not suggest getting rid of the Law to reduce sins power. He faces it in full force and humbly concedes its power. This is why Jesus said that a person must be born again. Man simply cannot obey God.... period. If the job is going to get done, if man will ever perfectly live by any standard, even his own, God must put something inside of him to enable him to defeat sin. Paul confirms this in Galatians 2:

    20 I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave himself for me. 21 I do not frustrate the grace of God: for if righteousness come by the law, then Christ is dead in vain.

    Trying to be good on your own is usesless. It causes mental illness I think in some cases. In the re-birth man is given new "DNA" from God ... a new spirit that cannot sin. In this condition, man has a force inside that cannot sin. Yes, it can be overridden by the will of the flesh. But all the same, in this new condition sin loses much of its power. Additionally, punishment is no longer a factor for the believer, having been previously wrought on the cross. The monkey is off his back in that regard, no stress. This allows the believer much freedom to try the new Spirit that now resides in him and to "prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God." - Romans 12: 2

    God is a warrior God. He deals in success, not failure. God truly loves us. He sees our condition. His solution is to first put a new Spirit inside of man that actually puts us on an even battlefield with sin; and then next he takes away any possibility of punishment as we flex our new muscles in Christ and begin to experience success and failure along the road of "Sanctification"...... which will be the Subject of my next thread in "Modern Bibles".

  • AllTimeJeff


    Your essay on guilt was interesting. My point wasn't about guilt though, it was about sin. "Sin" produces imo (and many others) unreasonable amounts of guilt. To suggest that the eradication of guilt is my main point is wrong. I hope that helps.

    Feeling guilt and remorse is uniquely human. I think that at times, people either feel too much or not enough. Balance is needed in anything. I frankly believe that those who are truly mentally and emotionally balanced are in the minority. It doesn't matter if you are a thiest or athiest.

    One of many problems I have wth Sin, aside from the arbitrary aspects of labelling certain conduct as offensive to god, is the sad affects to those who truly believe they will never be able to live up to gods expectations. To suggest that if one suffers inordinate guilt though being athiest means that the thiests way is better lacks a foundation. At least if athiest's suffer inordinate guilt, it isn't institutionalized. Anyone can have issues, and all of us usually do to one extent or another.

    The institutionalization of guilt and the blackmail by god for worship is what upsets me the most. Christians talk about love, and how we can be attracted to Christs love and his sacrifice. And by the way, if you dont' appreciate it and exercise faith, you are going to hell. But don't feel you HAVE to believe or anything....... Thus the guilt. What am I supposed to do? I am told it is all about love, but then I have a hatchet over me all the time if I don't believe? And that isn't supposed to engender unusual amounts of guilt if I am blackmailed to believe on pain of death? There is no love there, only guilt inducement.

    I have not ruled god out, but I know I won't ever believe in a god of judgement. If he exists, he has been to hidden, too "whack-a-moleish" if you will to reserve the right to destroy people who do not believe in him.

  • AllTimeJeff

    Other items from your last post Perry

    God is a warrior God. He knew that the Law would stregthen sin. So he empowered it's existence by stating his Laws, first by Moses and then further clarifying them by Jesus. A person might at first think, "why would he do that?. I though he didn't like sin"

    The answer is that God wants to take sin on in its full force and defeat it there, on the battlefield of life, in full force..... in open view, in the lives of his witnesses. The Law has had the unexpected effect of strengthening sin to the point where it is obvious to many people that they are caught in its vice, and cannot escape from its grip even if they want to. This powerlessness over sin should lead honest people to the conclusion that they need a Savior from its power.

    As a Christian thiest, I realize that you are going to defend what you believe. I spent most of my life doing the same thing. So while I appreciate knowing what you believe on sin, there are some flaws in this: Noteably, these statements are simply your opinion on the text. I have yet to see a scripture that backs up this interpretation. "God empowered sin?" I don't see it that way. If that is true, that makes me want to worship him less. By the way, to defeat sin, why doesn't he just get rid of it?


    You do realize Perry that your whole belief on sin and atonement is rooted in the fable of Adam and Eve? For logics sake, do you want me to believe that mankind has been suffering and dying since creation because a woman was talked into eating a piece of fruit from a tree not belonging to her by a talking snake?

    Trying to be good on your own is usesless. It causes mental illness I think in some cases. In the re-birth man is given new "DNA" from God ... a new spirit that cannot sin. In this condition, man has a force inside that cannot sin. Yes, it can be overridden by the will of the flesh. But all the same, in this new condition sin loses much of its power. Additionally, punishment is no longer a factor for the believer, having been previously wrought on the cross. The monkey is off his back in that regard, no stress. This allows the believer much freedom to try the new Spirit that now resides in him and to "prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God." - Romans 12: 2

    God is a warrior God. He deals in success, not failure. God truly loves us. He sees our condition. His solution is to first put a new Spirit inside of man that actually puts us on an even battlefield with sin; and then next he takes away any possibility of punishment as we flex our new muscles in Christ and begin to experience success and failure along the road of "Sanctification"...... which will be the Subject of my next thread in "Modern Bibles".

    I think mental illness is abundant in any walk of life. Trying to be a good person outside the framework of religion doesn't result in mental illness. But to believe that you are not capable of pleasing an invisible deity absolutely does cause mental illness.

    Thanks for sharing your beliefs on atonement. It was a good exchange of ideas.

  • hillary_step


    Since you bring sexuality into the discussion: Here, professional purveyors of perversion capitolize on the aphrodisiac inducing nature of breaking God's laws at a Sodomite street fair.

    Does your 'warrior god' God kill Sodomites in hand to hand combat when he gets the chance, or does he just punish them with AIDS?


    I am surprised that you cannot tell the tone of a fundie religious nut in preaching mode. If you can, you then must surely know that your viewpoints will never survive a pre-concluded agenda. You are wasting your time. Perry is religiously insane.


  • AllTimeJeff

    Perry, I had to comment on one more thing.

    Since you bring sexuality into the discussion: Here, professional purveyors of perversion capitolize on the aphrodisiac inducing nature of breaking God's laws at a Sodomite street fair:

    The above caption was followed by a picture of dildo sales at some pro gay gathering. Since irony seems to be wasted on you, I won't waste my time explaining the picture. I would assume, having read some other opinions you have posted on the subject, that toleration for homosexuals isn't something that you have on your to do list. I am sure you are at peace that your warrior god will destroy them all, or at the least, make sure that they burn in hell.

    You didn't defend anything about atonement. You didn't even address why homosexuality is a sin. It just is. I knew that would be your response. Your inability to show why this conduct offends your invisible and heretofore unavailable deity speaks for itself. I have since read all of your essay's defending the bible. It is necesarry for you to do this, because frankly, the more we learn about the bible, translation, the extant MSS that are available, etc, the more it needs defending. The only way to keep on believing the shallow world view that fundamentalist Christians promote is to continue to insist that the fragmented scrolls of the bible that have been found in the sand and caves of the middle east are unerring and truly god speaking to us. How else do you continue to use such an offensive, mideval and ignorant term like "Sodomites" to describe the gay community? "Because it is in the bible."

    It is clear that you are nothing more then a bigoted individual. When I asked you how two gay people or two straight people not married having sex afftects your life, you gave no answer. You still have the right to believe what you will, correct? Why preach hate! (because the hate comes from the bible, I know....) I was hoping for a little more then you have given on the subject. You certainly have not attracted me to the god you worship.

  • hillary_step


    lol....You seem to have 'hit out' on Jeff as a potential convert to your particular brand of fundamentalist nonsense. In fact you seem to be a a 'reverse' witnessing mission on this site, now having filled several hundred people with a deeply repugnant feeling regarding your personal beliefs.

    My advice in the future, is to put on a bright, gleaming, Kingdom Smile and drop the allusion to 'sodomoites'. You need to empathize with your householder a little more. Why not try a practice session with a fellow believer, preferably not a 'sodomite' lest you be tempted beyond what is normal.

    If you are representative of the God whom you worship, he seems to be a rather obnoxious little man.


  • AllTimeJeff


    I know Perry has his agenda. I know some people read this and I want them to think. My goal isn't to change Perry's viewpoint. For my part, while I disagree with Perry's point of view, I think it good to have conversations with different people like Perry. I want to ask questions, and insofar as Perry and others are willing to put out there what they believe in a forum like this, then I have the opportunity to present my beliefs in comparison.

    Perry, if you are reading this, while I do find your points of view offensive, I hope you will continue to address my concern. I do think that as you post, you reveal more about yourself then you may realize. And I am well aware based on reading your posts that your warrior god might indeed kill me. (I hear Allah has it in for me to.) But that is a risk I am willing to take. In the meantime, I am sure god will not be upset by conversations and the exchange of beliefs and ideas.

  • hillary_step


    I know Perry has his agenda. I know some people read this and I want them to think. My goal isn't to change Perry's viewpoint. For my part, while I disagree with Perry's point of view, I think it good to have conversations with different people like Perry. I want to ask questions, and insofar as Perry and others are willing to put out there what they believe in a forum like this, then I have the opportunity to present my beliefs in comparison.

    Yes, I understand where you are coming from. The problem is that Perry does not have viewpoints, he is just here to preach what God has told him to preach. By 'God', I am speaking chemically of course ;). He is seeking religiously confused people who are emotionally vunerable, having just exited a high control religion, so that he can more easily infect them with his repulsive fundamentalist take on the Bible.

    He is a predator. The only consolation is as I have noted, that the longer he preaches, the fewer converts he makes.


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