Put your old WTs to good use

by MinisterAmos 32 Replies latest jw friends

  • John Doe
    John Doe
    Keeping people from associating with the WTBS is easier than weaning them off it over the course of several years; this is an easy and extremely effective way to spread the new about how "wacky" the Dubz really are.

    Yup. Got to give them that life saving message, eh amos? How about just paying for your damned service like any other normal person. I don't know what's worse, that you would do this or that you're proud of doing it.

  • OnTheWayOut

    I'd hate to piss off a hard-working waitress or a hotel maid with such a
    poor tip, even though I understand where you are going with this.

    Here's the only good use:


  • Quirky1

    Having family that work for a bare minimum and rely on tips as their salary I would have to say leaving anything other than cash is a slap in the face.

    As OTWO said, burn them.

  • changeling

    I sincerly hope you are just kidding.

    Both my kids are servers and work very hard. If they wait on you, you will receive excellent service. If you repay it with a JW magazine you are an idiot.

    changeling :)

  • nomoreguilt

    What Changeling said......Too insulting to even think about. If you want to put the old rags, mags, to good use, just burn em......heat you home with em or something.


  • momzcrazy

    Hmm, nope.

    Serving is too hard a job to disrespect like that. Now if they were a lousy server maybe.

    But I would hate to spread the magazines any more than they already are.

  • TJ - iAmCleared2Land
    TJ - iAmCleared2Land

    Make multi-colored fire logs for the fireplace, to burn at Christmas. Roll 'em if you got em, then light 'em up!!


  • sir82


    Screw the poor innocent waitress out of her wages so you can mislead her, one person, into thinking that (1) you are a JW and (2) you are cheap.

    Frankly, I don't get it.

  • SnakesInTheTower


    When you dine in a restaurant out-of-town or one that you will probably not be returnng to, rather than leaving a tip just leave a WT or Awake with a note that Jehovah's wisdom is worth much more than a tip.

    and if the waitress gives you an extra helping of "Secret Sauce" on your next meal, dont come complaining here about the goober on your steak...

    ...of course, you would never know you were getting that little extra green protein instead of A-1... I know....I worked at McD's as a kid...and we grill guys would put a hock on any a$$hole customers who treated our frontline staff like crap.....

    LET ME GIVE YOU A TIP: By your actions you only prove that YOU are an ass....NOT JWs in general.......... I dont know how servers make a living relying on tips.....but the good servers deserve a good or great tip. Why would you hurt an innocent person just to prove a point.... which you dont succeed in doing....

    I once left $5 tip at a Pizza Hut one night when I was traveling..... because the server was such an excellent server and the place was dead...oh...my meal (a sandwich and coffee) was less than the tip..... (at this small town PH, they had sandwiches...dont know if they all do)....

    When I eat out at sitdown restaraunts (which is not often) I just presume that I am going to add 20% to my menu prices ...unless a) service is lousy or b) tips are pooled... in the latter case, I pull the excellent server aside ...usually outside...and give them a tip and tell them put it in their pocket..I am not rewarding their mediocre coworkers by tip pooling.......

    Snakes ()

  • MinisterAmos

    Learn to read Snakes; It is FUNdamental!

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