Harry potter .. wow, heavy stuff .. i hear Alister Crowley snoring in his crypt.
===Has any exjw, of sound mind, had a proper demon experience (as opposed to improper!!)?===
mmm exjw of sound mind? where's the logic fallacy in this sentence? ;)
===More to the point has any athiest here ever had a demon experience?===
Well Marilyn, I'm not one to knock a mans religion, i mean an athiest is entitled to her beliefs as much as any other wader through spiritual fog. To me, black and white revisionists have as much right to their say as tea total totalitarianist methodists, but i do suspect if an athiest had some real experience of the spirit world their sceptism would evaporate up blind faith alley quicker than a bloke can say 'true science' as it did to this, once atheistic, agnostic taoist.
cheers, unc who's yet to find many athiests amoungst the great men of science.
"extraudinary experiences require nothing but to live" unclebruce.