Check Out TiredOfjwHypocrites YouTube Video
by jamiebowers 12 Replies latest jw friends
Good job, good info and really love the last
Odd music choice, but otherwise enjoyable and direct.
Very good!
Tired of the Hypocrisy
Odd music choice, but otherwise enjoyable and direct.
Ya, not everyone can handle Nazareth. But I figured it fit the bill when dealing with a greedy corporation that protects ugly pedophiles and then hides behind the scriptures to justify it. S O B fits both the monsters and their protectors in my book.
Homerovah the Almighty
Very Good TOFH every video about this corrupt cult is good for the public to see
If I have anything to say about it, they are not even going to get another penny out of me. The Washtowels do not produce any value for me, so I am not paying for them.
TOTH, If I could say this: I'd love to see a frame or two that points out that they DON'T use any of these contributions for any kind of charitable work. I mean, even PBS airs commercials asking people to include them in their estates. So people who don't know the WTS might assume that, although a portion of the donations are going to settle legal matters, the "Worldwide Work" to which they are contributing has charitable implications. They should be told that the WTS doesn't believe in helping others and their contributions aren't going to any charitable cause. (Just look at that nasty Br. Scolios from the DC drama! Wanting to help the poor!)
Just my 2 cents.
Nathan Natas