Check Out TiredOfjwHypocrites YouTube Video

by jamiebowers 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • Tired of the Hypocrisy
    Tired of the Hypocrisy
    I'd love to see a frame or two that points out that they DON'T use any of these contributions for any kind of charitable work.

    I am actually working on a video focused just on that point. They are amazingly greedy, aren't they?

  • sspo

    Great video

  • Dorktacular

    ALL religious organizations collect money! Look at the Catholics! Here in Georgia, we have baptist churches that are as large as the @^$%^ mall! We've got the largest Hindu thingie in the Western hemisphere! It's all money!

    The problem with the JWs is that they profess that they are the only true religion and that they are God's perfect organization. God's got nothing to do with it, and the fact that there are elders molesting little kids, beating their wives, screwing their neighbor's wives and DFing people for offences a lot less serious than the ones they commit daily is what makes them worse than the rest in my opinion. I wouldn't leave an errant fart to the JWs, much less any of my money.

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