Devilsnok, I think that almost all little kids simply love Dinosaurs. I know that in my case, I had a big collection of all kinds of plastic dinosaurs, including some plastic mountains, palm trees, etc. I also had plastic glue-up skeleton models of the Triceratops, the Stegosaurus, and the T-Rex.
It was a pretty educational hobby, too - the set had a booklet which explained that cavemen did not exist during the time of the dinosaurs, and that they lived in various geological eras: Jurassaic, even showed which species were ancient, like the Dimetrodon, and which were of a later era. It gave scientifically accurate dates for how old they were.
I remember winning a science award back in the fifth grade for making a diorama and writing up a dinosaur paper from this source.
This was about 4 years before the witnesses captivated my family, and I can honestly tell everybody that I never did believe for one second their teachings about the 7,000 year creative days, the water vapor canopy, or any of the creationist hooplah. I just avoided talking about the subject as much as possible as nothing they had to say about it made the slightest bit of sense.