The Bible Dinosaur

by Devilsnok 43 Replies latest jw friends

  • iceguy

    I thought the dinosaur on that map showed where one of the old Sinclair gas stations was.

  • Scarred for life
    Scarred for life

    Ah, yes, I remember the green bible and the dinosaur and the whale. Memories that I can't share with anyone else that I know.

  • Tired of the Hypocrisy
    Tired of the Hypocrisy
    I didn't know Carthage used to be inhabited with dinosaurs.

    Oh yes, it is a little known fact, but Hanibal and his Carthaginians/mercenaries invaded Rome with a herd of elephants, a flock of smelly geese, and two dozen T-Rexes!

  • Tired of the Hypocrisy
    Tired of the Hypocrisy
    Didn't at one time either the WT or Awake speculate that God must have put the Dino's here to help create oil reserves

    I read somewhere in the wt literature that the dinos were here to clear the overgrown plants out of eden so that Adam could see what paradise looked like.

  • Devilsnok

    James-woods wrote;

    They would go to great length pointing out certain species of true fish (like the whale shark) that could perhaps swallaw a man. None of these, according to my little handbook "fishes of the world" appeared to swallow men whole, vomit them back up, or even live the the mediterranean sea.

    When questioned on that, the standard answer was "just believe it - Jehovah could have provided a special fish for this one occasion."

    The NWT says; "Now Jehovah appointed a great fish to swallow Jo´nah, so that Jo´nah came to be in the inward parts of the fish three days and three nights."

    A lot of other translations use the word "prepared" instead of "annointed" which has probably lead to the belief of those coming into the the truth from other religions that Jehovah somehow magically changed some big fish so that it could specifically swallow Jonah.

  • Mary
    They would go to great length pointing out certain species of true fish (like the whale shark) that could perhaps swallaw a man. None of these, according to my little handbook "fishes of the world" appeared to swallow men whole, vomit them back up, or even live the the mediterranean sea. When questioned on that, the standard answer was "just believe it"

    Ya----that's their standard answer for just about every one of their brain dead doctrines that make no sense.

    Here's the inside of my old bible.....

    BEDDROCK.gif picture by sam3217

  • james_woods

    On the "appointed" versus "prepared" - as posted above:

    The NWT says; "Now Jehovah appointed a great fish to swallow Jo´nah, so that Jo´nah came to be in the inward parts of the fish three days and three nights."

    A lot of other translations use the word "prepared" instead of "annointed" which has probably lead to the belief of those coming into the the truth from other religions that Jehovah somehow magically changed some big fish so that it could specifically swallow Jonah.

    That is indeed possible, but I have been told this by long-time witnesses who were certainly not smart enough to compare the two words in two translations!

    BTW - has it ever occurred to anybody that this kind of inhuman torture makes waterboarding at Guantanamo Bay look like a trip to the Disney Word Sea Aquarium? Fits right in with the story of faithful Job.

    OK - back to the Dinosaur - would anybody like to speculate on:

    1. Why was it dropped, do new paperback bibles no longer have cover illustrations? Or was just the dino expunged?

    2. What does the WTS say about the Dinosaurs nowadays? Died before Adam and Eve? (that would contradict the legend of the "biblical dragons" according to former teachings.) Died at the Flood - (so, why were they not worthy?) Died in Between???

  • BFD

    I have it on good authority that the dinosaur was disfellowshipped for questioning if Jesus really did come back in 1914.

    Oh wait a minute...that was Mouthy! Nevermind.


  • Devilsnok

    OK - back to the Dinosaur - would anybody like to speculate on:

    1. Why was it dropped, do new paperback bibles no longer have cover illustrations? Or was just the dino expunged?

    It was prob dropped because some killjoy at bethel mentioned that the kids down the hall were day dreaming about *that* dinosaur and wondering why those Vikings were going to italy, rather than paying attention to the meeting in progress. The black bible that came after just had a colour map of the various areas mentioned in the bible without any figures present.

  • Devilsnok

    (Edited to warn Mary not to look at the dirty Barny Picture incase it gives her impure thoughts again lol)

    I have it on good authority that the dinosaur was disfellowshipped for questioning if Jesus really did come back in 1914.

    I heard he was Disfellowshipped for being gay... He's got his own Tv show and everything now.


    Barney (looking like a penis head )

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