Geez Forcsher you are batting a thousand tonight! Take a look at how much illegal immigration has increased under Republican right wingers. Don't you get it? Big business loves illegals, and has been encouraging them. It screws ALL workers on BOTH sides. Business wins, people lose!
Mexico angry at the influx of Mexicans into Mexico...
by zeroday 91 Replies latest jw friends
Geez Forcsher you are batting a thousand tonight! Take a look at how much illegal immigration has increased under Republican right wingers. Don't you get it? Big business loves illegals, and has been encouraging them. It screws ALL workers on BOTH sides. Business wins, people lose!
Except for the gratuitous insult you are correct since you state the obvious I have agreed with elsewhere on this thread. Professional politicians on both side of the aisle are ignoring the will of the people on this issue in the US and folks are getting very, very angry. Why do you think the folks informed Congress in no uncertain terms they would not accept the "immigration" package put together by Kennedy and McCain? Folks were not really against some form of amnesty for illegals. They wanted the border secured, as Kennedy and McCain promised to do in exchange for amnesty for illegals twenty years ago. They didn't keep their promise then, and the people didn't trust them to do so now. Yes, big business had a lot to do with that and so did the political left. I guess shared goals can make for strange bedfellows. Can't it?
Your comment does show that you can do so much better if you will just resist the temptation to be insulting. Cheap shots, however, make you look like an idiot. Somehow I think you are better than that!
Mexico's economy is currently growing faster than the US's.
Pots and kettles, pots and kettles. Just because one couches the insults in pseudo compliments and grandiose language, does not make them any less insults.
wha happened?
The Mexican economy is growing and we should help. The emergence of a middle class will only encourage Mexicans to stay in Mexico. It almost happened in the 90's only to be ruined by a corrupt president. Mexico is now two down on non-corrupt Presidents so it may have a shot at it.
Help them to develop a middle class and border crossings will diminish. We'll have to find a new class of immigrants to exploit. -
Ah Beks,
I only said the cheap shots made you look like an idiot. I qualified that with hte expression that you really aren't. Are you saying that I am mistaken in that belief? Besides, I am not the one who goes right into unsolicited insults. I usually respond by pointing out the obvious. If that is the pot calling the kettle black then I will just disagree with you. At least I am not lowering the argument to the gutter like my critics seem so wont to do. I am just trying to elevate the dialogue. If you don't want me rebuking your insults then please refrain from them in the first place.
I would rather be corrected on the merits
of an argument. If you can do that, then I welcome valid criticisms and respond in kind if I find flaws in such criticism. Are you up to the challenge? Or do you just want to take the lazy route of taking the arguments down to the lowest possible denominator. Only you can show what you are made of. all i can do is point it out when you go off-base.
Forscher -
wha happened?
it's a shame when a discussion becomes a mortar shot contest. There is always an abundant amount of fact to draw from
Uh Yea, "batting a thousand" that's harsh huh? And the only thing in my comment that you replied to. Why not address the rest of it??
wha happened?
I'm behind u beksbks
Bye the way.
I do sometimes value sarcasm where it is appropriate, as in my initial post here.
The appropriate response was to show me where my sarcasm erred in substance. You never did get around to doing that. Without the sarcasm my point is that at least one neighbor, which is liberal by US standards expects us to do one thing while it does another. Now I can prove that assertion if called on to do so. You would've been within your rights to demand my proof for my charge if did didn't believe me to be correct or even provide substantive proof of your own that my assertion was incorrect. That is the way it is done by reasonable people.
But you didn't. So I did the only thing I could do under the circumstances and that was to give you a mild rebuke. I really could have responded much more creatively as you and Hill habitually do. But I am above that and consider it quite crude and disrespectful. Are you really of the opinion that that somehow make me less intelligent than you? Come on, since you are going down that road lets get it all out in the open. Or don't you have the moxie for it?