All of these passage are from Carlos Fuentes', The Old Gringo.
",,,as she could make them understand that those words meant nothing, "save Mexico for democracy,that what mattered was to live with Mexico in spite of progrees and denocracy, that
each of us carries his Mexico and hid United States within him, a dark nd bloody frontier we dare to cross ony at night." - 187
"Two two gringos who had come to Mexico, he consciously, she unintentionally to confront the next frontier of American consciousness, the most difficult of all...the most difficult fronteir of all, the stragest, because it was the closest and therefore the most forgotten, most ignored, and most feard whe it strirred from its long lethagy." -186
"They did, said Colelnel Garcia, yes tehe gringos did. They spent lives crossing fronteirs, their and those that belonged to others...'''And tte fontier in here ? The North American had asked, tapping her forhead. "and the frontier in here? General Arroto had responed ed