Over the past year or so, I have noticed that the Watchtower has been jumping all over two "threats" to the Organization: Higher Education and Apostasy. Many times they speak about them in the same article. They also have been focusing on them in the assemblies and conventions. The way they relate them, it is only a matter of time, I think, before they become one and the same.
The reason I say so is this. Years ago, their reasons for downplaying higher education were as follows: Immoral sex, irresponsible drinking, living away from a Christian home, expense, time wasted, etc. Those were the reasons. (Never mind that all of those things could be done with or without college.) They didn't focus on apostasy much, either, until recently. It was there, it was a threat, but somehow mature Christians just knew better and didn't have to be constantly reminded that Satan is a wolf in sheep's clothing.
But now the message is different. The danger in higher education is that it exposes you to the wrongful teachings and philosophies of [educated] men. The science does not factually match up with what the Bible or (more specifically) the Witnesses teach. These things lead to apostasy.
I need to stop there. For most of my life as a Witness, an apostate was someone who rebelled against the organization in such a way that he leaves it but turns his attention to bringing the organization down. It wasn't just Joe Smith who just fell away but it was the Joe Smith who was picketing in front of the convention center and passing out "Jehovah's Witnesses are the Devil" pamphlets across the street from the Kingdom Halls.
This is mere speculation on my part, but I think they are leaning towards making anyone who leaves the Truth, regardless of the reason, into an apostate. Eventually I think that this might even include "inactive" ones.
This is a scary thought.