Education and apostasy are the same, right?

by easyreader1970 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • Lady Zombie
    Lady Zombie

    I removed myself mentally when I was in High School, but I still believed in things like god, satan, demons, and creation. Once I went to college, I quit believing in them too. Now I only plant my ass in a kingdom hall chair to make the folks happy however the whole congregation knows I have 2 Bachelor's and a Master's. Mostly they ignore me, some like me, and some are wary. I can tell by the way they look at me.

    I'm actually looking forward to the day when they come to disfellowship me for apostacy just because I went to college. Not for anything I say or do, but just for having a secular education.

    I know it's going to happen, I just don't know when. Call it a feeling.

  • milligal

    Well it's much harder to convince women they need to be in subjection, stay at home and do whatever their husband wants them to do when they are educated. Not to mention young adults, well people in general are harder to manipulate and control when they are educated. This is the point isn't it? I mean it's not so much the theology and philosophy which plenty of IT majors have completely circumvented but it's the idea that with education comes independance THAT'S the real danger.

    Just like the Jdubs to demonize anything (or anyone) who poses a threat to their ideals.

  • Alwayshere


  • parakeet

    Here's the progression they fear:

    Braindead dub (except for a few firing neurons) --> doubts --> questions --> researches --> leaves dubs --> goes to college --> learns critical thinking skills --> realizes enormity of WTS lies --> becomes free.

    The WTS views this process as sliding downward into sin. I see it as the road to enlightenment.

  • NewYork44M

    Didn't Jedthro Bodeen on the Beverly Hillbillies call it edjumication?

    May be it should be apostimication?

  • sspo

    They might be right.

    I know quite a few young brothers that went to college and by the time time they were out, they did not beleive in the bible anymore.

  • justhuman

    WT Society was always against education. Why? Because is more easy to control uneducate people. An uneducate person is easier to be controled by Cult groups, since the person lacks of knowledge and education. WT knows that if JWs send their children for higher education in few years of time there will be no members, specially from the Western World that they are already facing dicrease.

    The unhealthy inviroment of the WT Cult is trying to prevent knowleldge from their followers, since the foundation of the WT is based on sand. The GB is traped within their own past mistakes and they are unable to escape from the concept that rules WT. Todays people have more knowledge than an educated person of the 19th century by only reading a newspaper. Russell was uneducated person, and relied completely on Millers and Barbours speculations. So since the start of the WT was wrong, so did Rutherford and Franz/Knorr they continued with the same pattern. Although Russell was closer to the "truth" the rest 3 they have declined from the original ideas of their founder, leading them in the to cultish paths.

    A healthy faith accepts to be scrutinize and critisism, and does not afraid of education. On the contrary Paul was educated in the Jewish Law system, Louk was a doctor, and many Gentiles that converted to Christianity were educated people, a fact that can be easily shown from the Catacomb relics and the hunderds of thousands scrolls found in them. Not to mention the Fathers of the Church who were educated according to the Greco/roman higher education institutes and education was encouraged to the East Roman Empire and the Capitol Constantinoupole.

    WT leadership knows that they have no Biblical or scientific ground to stand. Their archeological dates are wrong, their Theological base is completely wrong so they are trying to discourage their members to access that information. Personaly I know Christians that they accept Evolution as a fact, and so do I. The point is believing in evolution does not stop me to believe in Jesus. If God used evolution then is something that we cannot argue about it, because the Bible is only one of God's expressions for mankind, and claiming that is infalible it will be wrong since it was written by humans and does contains mistakes

    Because WT's authority is based on the Biblical "perfection" a question of any Biblical "truth" is like questioning WT, that is why they are trying to keep the rank and file uneducated. While healthy faith ecourages to EXAMINE all things, even the Apostles asked from their fellow christians to EXAMINE them if they were in harmony according to the gospel that it was delivered to them. Can you imagine the GB to make a statement like that?

  • BabaYaga

    Interesting take, Easyreader, and I hadn't thought of that before.

    I would have disagreed with you some time ago... but this new clamping down is really getting weird (that recent drama is absolutely appalling, and the fact that they are saying no to college now?) I really do believe the Governing Body is running scared.

    The only ones left in the organization will be the true zealots... who will have a constant overdose of paranoia and fear. At that point, they really will have the reputation of a cult. I do predict an on-going dwindling of active Witnesses, as more and more take off their blinders.

    Hope Simon's server can handle all the influx.

  • WTWizard

    Go to college.

    Even if they do party all the time and do wild fornication (of which I was never a part while I was in college), that atmosphere is more healthy than that found in the Kingdumb Hell. Even with the drugs (yup, I believe the witless environment is worse for the brain than drugs).

    And, how often have I seen blatantly crap science in the Asleep magazines? The whole flood was based on crap science, and good science would debunk it. Armageddon being "close, and getting closer" would lose its scare value if people realized that it is possible for a value to be close, and ever getting closer, to a target without ever reaching that target. And I doubt anyone would remain if they all did cost/benefit analyses of going to boasting sessions and out in field circus.

  • Homerovah the Almighty
    Homerovah the Almighty

    The GB knows what is exactly on the net now so in response they are trying desperately to protect themselves

    they know there is very much for them to lose if people get informed and educated.

    This age of information is very damaging to them and could have the real potential of crumbling the tower right down

    and to be sure they don't want that to happen.

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