I go back and forth everyday. One day I'm like, "Suppress your gay feelings and what you think is wrong about this organization and keep going forward because you want eternal life and all of your friends are here and it's as close to the truth as it can possibly get so just deal with it." Others I'm like, "Live your life. This is BS, they've been wrong plenty of times, it's hypocrisy all over, etc."
I don't like the search function on this site because it doesn't seem to work too well for me. Where has the Watchtower Society gone wrong and why haven't the DO's and CO's who are especially bright and so well-versed in the scriptures not figure out it's a hoax (if it in fact is)?
How can I know for sure that the WTS isn't God's organization?
by nbernat 41 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Haven't you been taught that God is love? Don't you think that god (not the governing body) can see your heart, and know that you struggle? Keep reading and learning, one day you will feel sure. It's taken me many years, but I am utterly comfortable with the knowledge, that this is merely a man made organization with greed and self interests at heart.
I go back and forth everyday. One day I'm like, "Suppress your gay feelings and what you think is wrong about this organization and keep going forward because you want eternal life and all of your friends are here and it's as close to the truth as it can possibly get so just deal with it." Others I'm like, "Live your life. This is BS, they've been wrong plenty of times, it's hypocrisy all over, etc." Science is discovering that homosexuality is something people are born with and not a deviant behavior. Common sense tells me that this has to be true, because why would God make you a deviant? There's tons of information on line about being gay.
I don't like the search function on this site because it doesn't seem to work too well for me. Where has the Watchtower Society gone wrong and why haven't the DO's and CO's who are especially bright and so well-versed in the scriptures not figure out it's a hoax (if it in fact is)? Look in the "Best of" threads. You might find some interesting reading there. Also check out http://www.quotes-watchtower.co.uk/ for some doctrinal changes. You may also want to read http://www.davidcox.com.mx/library/M/Martin,%20Walter%20-%20Kingdom%20of%20the%20Cults.pdf for a history lesson, and http://watchtowerdocuments.com/secrets.html to read about the current sex abuse scandals that the WTB&TS have worked hard to cover up. If that isn't enough for you, how about buying Crisis of Conscience, Combatting Mind Control, or just Google Jehovah's Witnesses or look them up on YouTube. There's also www.freeminds.org . There is a wealth of information out there that should help you. IMHO, the higher ups are either dilusional or have too much to lose to leave. -
The fact that the FDS uses the term "present truth" to qualify their constant changes in doctrine is one of the major factors which convinced me this organization cannot be guided by God.
Also, the fact that EVERY prophecy in the Old Testament supposedly has a second fullfillment which started in 1914 and applies to the handful of Bible Students of that day is another "ding, ding, ding" telling you something is wrong here!
Another one, the fact that they apply the direction in 2 John to not even greet someone who THEY disfellowship is WRONG. The context is clear, John was speaking about the Anti Christ, NOT to someone who decided that he just doesn't agree with the GB! Twisting scriptures so blatantly to qualify their ridiculous tenets is an abomination!
Also, the fact they promote conditional love by only showing christian love to their own or to anyone who shows interest in their religion is the ultimate UNchristian characteristic they display!
Their are numerous other reasons that I have for coming to the conclusion that this organization is completely MAN made but I am too tired to list them all.
Jamie has it right in the "higher ups have too much to lose to leave". Never underestimate the power of Power! Most every evil in history, has been for power and/or money. I'm sure those at the top of the organization, enjoy plenty of both.
You're trapping yourself with your own question. By phrasing it that way you are pre-supposing that God actually has an organization. What if he doesn't? God is organized, sure, but that's different than having an organization.
First figure out if you think God has an organization (on the human level) or not. Second, you can work on whether it's WT or it isn't.
Personally I don't think you'll need Step Two.
You have gay feelings. That's all the proof you need.
There are numerous other reasons.... There not their. Just correcing myself. I am really tired.
So your Gay eh?..Nobody really cares about that,here....The fact is,the WBT$ does.....You can be a Child Abuser,or A Pedophile..The WBT$ will give you a pass on that.......Just don`t be Gay!..And..Act on it!..And..You will be tossed out..D/F................What a sick,sick,Organization......................
The answer to why others stay and/or believe is going to vary, and isn't really the important issue for you to examine. The important issue for you is, what do you believe and should you stay or go? The confusion and the back-and-forth is natural, as the organization doesn't just teach a belief system but ingrains an entire thought system that is DESIGNED to mess with your mind and make you question or discount anything that goes against the society's teachings.
As others have said, read read read and research research research. If you fully examine and investigate the WTS and its teachings, the answer to your question will become clear. One good site that I recommend a lot is jwfacts.com; there is a page there that gives a brief excellent overview to your question called the "15 Minute Guide to Truth": http://www.jwfacts.com/index_files/5min.htm
Good luck, and trust your instincts :-)