How can I know for sure that the WTS isn't God's organization?

by nbernat 41 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • White Dove
    White Dove

    How can you know or prove they are right? You can't.

  • drew sagan
    drew sagan

    Have you read Ray Franz's books yet?

    I tell you, I really had the same doubts before I began to look into his two books. I remember being very afraid that I was giving up on 'the truth'.

    But as I read through his books I learned some very powerful information about the organization.

    It wasn't so much that I felt the organization was proven to be evil or anything like that. Rather I simply began to see it as a religion that has naturally developed over time. A religion that was of purley human origin, with nothing divine behind it.

    So I guess you could say that "the magic was gone", I finally saw the organization for what it was (good and bad) and not for what I wanted it to be.

  • Homerovah the Almighty
    Homerovah the Almighty

    The WTS organization is and was built on falsities and corruption

    why would any level headed mature individual be involved with it if that is the case.

    If you really have feelings that your gay then follow those feelings or follow a book publishing company its your choice......take care

  • jwfacts

    My father is a CO, and I can tell you that being bright does not necessarily help a person evaluate truth. There are bright people in every religion, and I think that recognising that is key to coming to the realisation that JWs are not the only truth, not even the closest to the truth. Everyone thinks their religion is truth and their God is the real God. The reason you may feel that at times JWs have the truth is due to years of indoctrination. If you were raised a Mormon, or any other religion you would feel that religion was the truth.

    Since there is no human leader or organization that alone knows truth, it is far better to be true to yourself. Otherwise when you are old you will look back on all those wasted years living other mens lies.

  • nvrgnbk

    How can you know for sure that there's a God?

    If there is, how can you know for sure that he/she/it has an organization?

    Answer those questions before you worry about the relevance of a puritanical apocalyptic cult started in Pennsylvania in the 1870's.

  • WTWizard

    The fact is, the hounder-hounders often realize it's a scam. Hounder-hounder-hounders are even more likely to see through the hoax--it wouldn't surprise me to find out that the majority of them are actually atheist. However, they are in it for the power it gives them--and stepping down would cost them that power. So they stay in and transmit the message from the Filthful and Disgraceful Slavebugger (often with super-strict interpretation) to the hounders. Obviously, most of them are not going to come right out and say that they are atheists because they are in it for the power.

    Quite a few hounders are also seeing through the hoax. Many of them are also in it for the power, and would rather pretend that it is Jehovah's work (and that Jehovah is anything but an Almighty Scumbag) than acknowledge the truth and confess atheism or antitheism. So, despite seeing through it, they will continue teaching what is in the washtowels and asleeps. That the Filthful and Disgraceful Slavebugger prohibits independent research makes this much easier for a hounder that is atheist or that does not believe in the Filthful and Disgraceful Slavebugger to pretend to believe anyway.

  • Homerovah the Almighty
    Homerovah the Almighty
    Since there is no human leader or organization that alone knows truth, it is far better to be true to yourself. Otherwise when you are old you will look back on all those wasted years living other mens lies.

    Well said jwfacts

  • ibme

    nbernat you state, after your question, How can I know for sure that the WBTS isn't God's Organization? this... "why haven't the DO's and CO's who are especially bright and so well-versed in the scriptures not figure out it's a hoax".

    Please (((forgive me))) for sounding negative/judgemental.

    Me has been around WBTS for more then 50 years. In that 50 years me has meet only a few DO"s and CO's that me considered bright (educated).

    Me could name on my hand those that had a college education. They were/are good men. (Not saying the the rest are not good people). However, they (educated ones) are, for the most part, no longer with the WBTS.

    For the most part they (DO/CO's) are men that have climbed the ladder from their teenage years. It was instilled in them that IF they were to be considered a spiritual man they had to reach out Reach out -- Reach out -- Reach out. Reach out for what --- to the next stage.

    For example: Mow the lawn, clean the restrooms/hall, carry the mic's, MS, bethelite, serve where the need it greater, elders, assembly parts, BROWN NOSE (sorry), etc, etc.

    In the process they (DO/CO) accepted the dogma that the WBTS was/is the ONLY true education.

    All that is in their heads is WTBS dogma. Just get them on any other subject ...... well ...... they always come back to ..... it says in the Watchtower/Awake this and/or that what the governing body says.

    Many have confided in me with just what Amicus said, "Those "bright" DO's and CO's might be chewing their fingernails off at night worrying that they have wasted their lives chasing an empty dream".


    As others have said, they have no where else to go and few skills to earn a decent living on the outside. As long as they are still able to be on the road there is a certain amount of "glory/security" for them. Better than being in the soup lines.

    Me thinkin' me talkin' too much.

  • james_woods

    This might sound a little rough if you are still worrying about the JW and their God Concept (as if it were worthy of your awe and worship), and I respect your right to take time to make a decision, but you might consider this:

    Why in the world would anybody want to worship a "god" or "god concept as per the JW" who is a blatant murderer? They teach that this "god" wants to kill every man woman and child on the face of the earth (not just the homosexuals), but all the Catholics, all the Budhists, all the athiests, all of everybody except for their own selfish JW selves.

    How is this different from the Islamic Radicals who want to either convert or kill every man, woman, and child on earth?

    This is, I submit, an UNWORSHIPABLE god to any thinking person with even the slightest grain of a moral or ethical sensitivity.

  • StAnn
    You need to read Captives of a Concept by Don Cameron.

    I second this. Also, go to V's video on YouTube: StAnn

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