Everyone of you is a big fake and is not real!

by Mindchild 21 Replies latest jw friends

  • Mindchild

    My favorite movie is THE MATRIX. The more I watch it the more I have come to realize that every single one of you people on this board are NOT REAL.

    Yes, you heard me right…you are all just a simulation, and a fiendishly clever one I might add.

    I suspected that this virtual world was the result of some new sophisticated computer simulation. I know for sure I’m right now. How do I know I’m right? By this…it is IMPOSSIBLE to detect a fake world!

    Okay, here is my reasoning: the development of technology among any sentient species is bound to result in increasingly sophisticated computer simulations. Look at how much amazing progress we have made for ourselves in computer software and then ask yourself what kinds of virtual worlds or simulations we will likely have here on earth in 10,000 years. Now ask yourself how many sentient species are likely to exist in the universe that are at least 10,000 years older than us in terms of technological development.

    So how would I be able to tell if this is a fake world? I couldn't if the creators (machines most likely) were good at programming. Doesn’t it seem reasonable to you that the creators of a program that is capable of generating simulations as sophisticated, as this one would strive to make the program undetectable by the simulated players? On top of this, I bet you there is a prize going on with these aliens on who has the most convincing simulation!

    Okay, so how does a “simulant” in this super-realistic simulation discover that it is all a big game?

    Here is how I discovered this horrific hoax on all of us…

    Imagine a scenario when in your virtual world, the arrival of a religion that has all the answers is the key to discovering the existence of the simulation. What this religion does is make all kinds of wonderful promises to its members and at the same time gets them to hate every other religion so they won’t be rational enough to see that many of their own beliefs were collected from these other religions. On top of this, this religion is very dangerous to your own health, and you take considerable risks with your life by being a member. Instead of finding happiness inside, you discover a world full of backbiting and hypocritical people, and people so blinded to logical inquiry and free thinking that it is a major sin. Further this religion does everything it can to deny you of what it means to be human. Instead of living your life in the present and enjoying pleasure, you forgo this and live in the future. Yes, your religion not only does all this, it constantly makes major screw up’s and failed prophecies. Instead of a nice clean group of people through out the entire collective, you find hideous cases of child abusers and criminals who have take refuge there. Somewhere in this tragic scenario, many of the simulants recognize that they are not happy playing the game and want out. They soon find out that getting out is far from a piece of cake, and often pay a dear price for walking out the door that can range from losing your entire identity in life to even committing suicide.

    Once the simulant has gone through this evolutionary experience, they become an apostate who is no longer as easy to fool. Although many apostates fall prey to the songs of the Collective most of them shun this simulation and become genuine thinking people. Eventually, some of these free thinkers begin to realize that the world is acting very strangely and notice patterns in the nested simulations being played around the virtual world. Why, many of these patterns are the same. Religion is a way of dumbing down the players to keep them from discovering the existence of the simulation!!! Our apostate heroes soon figure out the means of transporting to the world of the creator and discover that God is just a naughty little alien kid who gets a kick out of making people miserable.

    SCREW THAT …I say. I want to play a new game and this time I’m writing the rules. First, I want a world with no more crazy and insane people but with lots of inventiveness and kindness. I want a world in which all of us have incredibly looking bodies and delicious sex is as easy to get as breathing air. I want us all to be multi billionaires and have every toy we can think of, and at the same time we are all so environmentally friendly, are toes are green. Oh yes, the more forbidden stuff you do, the longer you live and the healthier you are. You smoke? Good you will live 30 years longer that way? Love to eat junk food and chocolate, great the more you eat, the hotter you look and the better you feel? Let us not forget either that you too can run your own simulations. You will be so skilled that you can create a website called Jehovah-Witness.Com and create a little world of your own in which people play out their desperate little lives not realizing that at any moment you can flick the switch and they all vanish in a poof of electrons!

    So, now you know, that you and I are not really here at all. We only exist as bits of information floating in a virtual universe. This post is just a reflection of those electrons bouncing off each other. I don’t exist and neither do you, now that we got that out of the way…anyone up for a good reply?

    Skipper (the let's get real class)

  • edward gentry
    edward gentry

    yeah.let me compose it.

    Son of a bitch!!! I composed a 30 line response and then my connection dropped out.
    What is the meaning of this?
    Obviously you are not ready to hear the supreme truth of truths yet...
    I obey oh light bearer....

    Further channelled update!!....
    I have been instructed to give you a clue.
    "You shall,know the devil by his fruits"

  • zerubberballz

    Hey watchit childbrain, I'm as real as the next fake and twice as pretty .. when I'm standing next to Marilyn anyway.

    oh shit, i promised seeker i wouldn't post any more crap .. my life's more like 'one flew over the cuckoos nest' than either the bugs bunny show or the matrix.

  • expatbrit

    Aaaahhh...the old YHWH in the machine scenario.

    You will be so skilled that you can create a website called Jehovah-Witness.Com and create a little world of your own
    Are you implying that Simon is YHWH?


  • RedhorseWoman

    If I'm not real, then why must I clean the dishes? Oh yeah, and why can't I look like a supermodel? Crap....I can't even arrange my virtual reality properly.

  • gumby

    Well then I ain't showing up for work tomarrow if I ain't really here!
    They will never miss me

  • Satanus


    Ya bin readin that buddha stuff again? Or maybe you're becoming a platonist. The simulators left that stuff as clues. Since you are one of the few who got it, you may advance to the next level.

  • avengers

    Oh oh. Let me see. Let me take you down, cause I'm going to strawberryfields forever, where nothing is real.

  • Abaddon

    You go Yahewh and I'll go mine.

    You are a bastard Mindchild, I wish I'd thought of that.

    I read a book called Snow Crash, about the near future where a virtualy reality Internet existed.

    The main character was the best sword fighter on the web (if you go killed you couldn't log on for a time). This was not surprising as he wrote the code that the web ran on.

    You write the code, you control reality.

    However, these 'is this real' conversations however fascinating often ignore one important point.

    Perception is reality, even if it isn't.

    Want to know what's real? Step in front of a train. Good method of philoshophical enquiry as to the nature of reality.

    People living in glass paradigms shouldn't throw stones...

  • Sirona

    My fav movie is also The Matrix.

    I agree with you completely. My JW mum went crazy when I explained the concept. "Stupid" "Idiotic" were her verdict on the idea.

    I said "consider, just consider, we may all be just brains in jars somewhere"....

    at which point she stared at me in disgusted disbelief.


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