I posted this on another thread but it really got me thinking about how the WTS could really do this:
What if:
The WTS needs to stop spending so much cash.
They have real estate but once sold and the proceeds used it offers no more value.
They need to simplify, simplify, simplify (and isn't that the mantra they recite each time they make an organizational change?)
They could: push more and more printing to the individual publishers in order to cut down on printing costs (this may only apply to developed countries but it still would result in significant savings). By having each publisher or congregation print it's own literature on a regular color printer major savings could be had. This would be in conjunction with offering more tracts and brochures in the ministry and less books.
With less printing being done by the WTS they could have less facilities, manpower, expenses. However, there is more to this.
As they decentralize the printing work they could focus on the work of management. Management work doesn't necessarily have to be done by in-house live in help. By expanding the commuter bethelite program they could have tons of qualified dubs (many would move from all over the country if necessary) who would live in their own home and care for their own expenses (like a pioneer) but would work full-time (or part-time) for the WTS.
Imagine the savings the WTS would have! Less live-in help means less laundry, food, cleaning, utilities, etc etc.
This could all be done by selling off the remaining Brooklyn properties and relocating to Patterson. Cheaper housing can be found near Patterson for the commuter bethelite program that would be expanded.