dunked at 14, occ. pioneered, df'd at 20, back in at 21, occ. pioneer, df'd at 27, back in at 29, married(wonderful wife) at 32, ms for 5 years, public talks, 2nd school overseer(as ms, believe it or not), book study conductor, deleted and pissed off, discovered jwd, realized the bs, but still feel trapped(long story, s.o.s.), privately reproved(3rd time), elders trying to get me to reach out to serve again, but i gotta plan on how to never qualify. wish i had the balls to get out....maybe one day.
poll/ survey on what you "were" (rank in your hall)
by burningbridges 71 Replies latest jw friends
I was just a person. Then I became Jezebel, through no effort on my own.
baptized at 15--raised in non-JW home
prison at 19 to 21 over neutrality (Viet Nam War)
pioneer at 22 thru 24
Elder at 24 to 55 (30+ years)
Sent two boys to Bethel, full time service 10 years
Had two daughters regular pioneer for total of 8 years
Questioned the WT by letter in 2005 re: the UN-NGO involvement
Quit attending in June 2005
Disfellowshipped for NO STATED REASON in May 2006
Happy to be out.
Baptised at 15
Auxilery pioneered from 16-18
Regular pioneered 18-21
Got married 21
On and Off till 26 then faded into the distance
I graduated high school in 1971. I got married in 72 and pioneered 72-73. Then I was a ministerial servant from 72-75. After 76, I couldnt believe it anymore. I went as infrequently as possible always looking for a reason not to go. After 83 I never went back. So I didnt know it at the time, but I guess I faded for 7 years moving from Ohio to Florida in the process.
At 18 I was appointed Magazine-Territory Servant under the old Congregation Servant arrangement. Then at 24 was appointed Theocratic School Servant. I also pioneered for two years.
When the elder arrangement came in in 1972 I was appointed an elder. Was Watchtower Study conductor, Bible Study Overseer, Field Overseer, Presiding Overseer, and Congregation Book Study conductor. But the position that I enjoyed the most was Theocratic School Overseer. When the rotation of elders stopped I requested the Theocratic School, an unpopular responsiblity in our congregation, and quickly got the appointment. I served as School Overseer until 1984 when I resigned as an elder so that I could return to college and finish my education. -
The most I ever did was put in 32 hours in one month in field circus before getting baptized. Never pioneered.
I had the duties as magazine assistant, microphone handler, and Theocraptic Misery "School(??)" assistant. I started fading before I could be recommended as assistant hounder.
Black Sheep
Born in
Unbaptised publisher until about 16.
Went back after I married an Anglican in an Anglican Church.
Gave a few talks on the Thursday night freak show until until Jehovah fell asleep on the dunny in 1975. Still not baptised.
I didn't get one shepherding call when I dropped out, so I guess my status wasn't that great.
My dropping out inhibited my father's progression through the ranks for quite some time.
Chris -
str8?so is spaghetti..until you heat it up
Ministerial Servant
Regular Pioneer
I was a good little boy.....
Ministerial Servant, Regular Pioneer.