That's a weak argument. Comparing Santa Claus to Jesus Christ? Come on.
Will Jesus EVER return?
by Fisherman 71 Replies latest watchtower bible
Mrs. Witness
Actually, Jesus is more like the head elf. Santa and YHWH are can be directly correlated, though. Think about it. They're both old men with white beards. They keep lists of who's naughty and nice. They punish you if you're bad (Santa brings coal, YHWH throws you in a lake of fire).
Come to think of it, have you ever seen them in a room together? I wonder...
Voici la réponse ...
Here's the answer (if you can read a little French an are into rugby)
Your right, I apologize. Comparing Santa to Jesus is wrong and unfair...
There is a LOT more evidence that Santa existed (St Nicholas) than Jesus. Hence my comparison was totally wrong and unjustified and I'm sorry Santa...
Ok, so same points just change the comparison to be Jesus vs Aquaman...
Whether or not Jesus will EVER return is not the issue since the Bible requires the return to fulfill at least three prophecies specific to the year.
1) The 1335 days prophecy which dates the return 45 years after the Jews return to Palestine.
2) The "end of gift and sacrifice" at mid 70th week, which means the first passover after his return is matched to the mid-week passover of the 70th week. Counting 70 weeks from 36 CE, 1506-1996 is the 70 weeks for our time and the 70th week is 1989-1996. Mid-week Passover is April 6, 1993. So Christ must arrive by April 6, 1993 to eat the 70th week passover at mid week, ending the Lord's Supper celebration, thus ending "gift and sacrifice. Please note the Jews returned in 1947 so 45 + 1947 is 1992, the same year.
3) The "7 times" prophecy which all JWs know about, 2520 years from the fall of Jerusalem. Per JWs 607, per secular history 587, per the VAT4956 and the Bible when dating the 1st of Cyrus to 455 BCE 529BCE. That is, if 455 is the 1st of Cyrus, 70 years back to the last deportation is 525 BCE. That is the dating found in the VAT4956 for 511 BCE year 37 of Nebuchadnezzar. 4 years earlier is the 19th year and the fall of Jerusalem and thus 529 BCE.
Christ does not arrive until the state of Israel is set up, so 1914 and 1934 based on 607 or 587 BCE are out anyway as fulfilling anything. But the year has to be specific to 1992-1993. 2520-529=1991+1=1992. So, 529 BCE sets the second coming to 1992.
So if Christ didn't arrive in 1992-1993.. HE AIN'T COMING! He has to fulfill those prophecies to be the true messiah. Any other time and the Bible is not true.
He already has people, he's reincarnated as Chris Angel! And yes Chris Angel can walk on water as well and if we asked
him,I'm sure he could feed a field of people with tasty bread and fish. I'm just thank-ful that Chris has far better Party tricks!
Yes..Jesus is here!..I mean right here,he`s at my ranch right now!..We`re drinking Margarita`s.....Did you know he can turn water into Tequila?!.....He was done with the whole water into wine thing,once he tasted one of my Margarita`s!!...............
compound complex
Preterism is the belief that all Bible prophecies, including those concerned with the Second Coming of Jesus, the Resurrection of the Dead, the Rapture, the Judgment and the arrival of the Kingdom of God, came to fulfillment in a.d. 70 at the destruction of Herod’s temple in Jerusalem as predicted by Jesus in Luke 21:
6As for these things which you are looking at, the days will come in which there will not be left one stone upon another which will not be torn down.
22…these are days of vengeance, so that all things which are written will be fulfilled.
28…when these things begin to take place, straighten up and lift up your heads, because your redemption is drawing near.
31…recognize that the kingdom of God is near. (NASB)
Preterism is the belief that all Bible prophecies, including those concerned with the Second Coming of Jesus, the Resurrection of the Dead, the Rapture, the Judgment and the arrival of the Kingdom of God, came to fulfillment in a.d. 70 at the destruction of Herod’s temple in Jerusalem as predicted by Jesus in Luke 21:
6As for these things which you are looking at, the days will come in which there will not be left one stone upon another which will not be torn down.
22…these are days of vengeance, so that all things which are written will be fulfilled.
28…when these things begin to take place, straighten up and lift up your heads, because your redemption is drawing near.
31…recognize that the kingdom of God is near. (NASB)
Interesting but the key text in Luke is actually verse 12:
10 Then he went on to say to them: “Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom; 11 and there will be great earthquakes, and in one place after another pestilences and food shortages; and there will be fearful sights and from heaven great signs.
Here we see Jesus introducing the signs of the "last days" just like in Matthew and Mark. But then in relation to these events he then says "BUT BEFORE ALL THESE THINGS....
12 “But before all these things... 20 “Furthermore, when YOU see Jerusalem surrounded by encamped armies, then know that the desolating of her has drawn near.
So the fall of Jerusalem, which is only mentioned in Luke happens BEFORE the events of the last days. Thus the fall of Jerusalem is not included in the signs of the last days but happens before it, obviously. That's the one scripture the preterists miss. They compare Matthew and Mark with Luke and include Luke's mention of the fall of Jerualem which is NOT part of the last days but happens "before." Further, Luke does not mention Daniel. Daniel's event was a one-time event. Something that never happened before nor would happen again. A notable world event. The fall of Jerusalem was not that catastrophic one-time event. That event was actually the HOLOCAUST. That is the one-time event that would shock the world that involved the Jews.
So preterism works if you ignore Luke 21:12, of course. If the fall of Jerusalem was part of the signs of the last days then one would expect the messiah would have returned at that time. But Luke doesn't say that. Luke dates the fall of Jerusalem "before" WWII and the last days.
Therefore, there is no conflict with other prophecies relating to the last days. For instance, the "cut off" at 62 weeks means 434 years into the 70 weeks of the last days. 36 CE ends 70 weeks. So we count down 70 weeks to our day, which is 4 x 490 = 1960. 1960 +36 = 1996. So 70 weeks for the second coming and last days is from 1506 to 1996. 62 weeks is the cut-off where the great tribulation would begin for one week, that is 7 years. Then the 7 weeks would begin, 49 years, of the restoration. 1506 plus 434 is 1940. So the "desolation" at the 62 weeks would be from 1940-1947. That is precisely when the Holocaust occurred and when two-thirds of the Jews were exterminated as prophesied specifically (Zech 13:8):
8 “And it must occur in all the land,” is the utterance of Jehovah, “[that] two parts in it are what will be cut off [and] expire; and as for the third [part], it will be left remaining in it. 9 And I shall certainly bring the third [part] through the fire; and I shall actually refine them as in the refining of silver, and examine them as in the examining of gold. It, for its part, will call upon my name, and I, for my part, will answer it. I will say, ‘It is my people,’ and it, in its turn, will say, ‘Jehovah is my God.’”
After the 7-year great tribulation ends, then the Jews would be restored to their homeland. That ends the trampling of Jerusalem in 1947!.
So preterists have no position for interpreting the fulfillment of these "signs" during the time Jerusalem fell, though this was a time of distress as well. Bible chronology is too specific WHEN these events would take place in the distant future. As JWs know, the 7 times prophecy itself dates the second coming in the 20th Century even if you use 607BCE, 587BCE or 529BCE. All dates place you in the 20th Century, i.e. 1914, 1934 or 1992. So besides misunderstanding Luke they also ignore chronology, which is why their teachings are wrong.
You know, I am SOOO GLAD I believed and trusted the Bible! I have the truth and all things are being fulfilled just as the Bible says. If you don't have the correct understanding then it seems things are not being fulfilled.
Just as the Bible says, some would think "my master is delaying" in one place and that Christ will "come as a thief in the night" in the other. That means that those who think the master is delaying are looking in the wrong place at the wrong time and he will have already arrived and inspected them. But they would not understand when he arrived. That is sooo much happening right now. Those in the darkness and those in the glorious light.
Oh well. Glad I was chosen to be in the light. I can't brag about that.