I was in the grocery store not long ago, I realize that right across the produce table was along-time Friend
M....... " Hello M...... how are things ?" ...( no response ) .. So I say " Which one of the unforgivable
sins have I committed ? " ( I am a long time fader with no restrictions etc ) Finally he is struggling to raise
his head and with nervous words says . ".. "wel.. wel... well none ! " Have I then caused you some
personal offense ?" ( I say ) . M's response ... nnnnn... none ! I say .."You know there is a Bible verse that
we used to use.". that says .. "because you don't follow the same course some will speak abusively
of you . But I would classify this as pure assumption would you not ? ( M.. just glances at me in shock )
" To my best knowledge I have not caused you harm ,.. so what then is the force or power that now stands
between us, in our friendship ? "( I quickly stick out my hand in friendship underneath his partly bowed head )
" I'm glad to see you M.... " ( the shocking truth and reality of what I have just said strikes him ! He then quickly
reaches out his hand to grip mine. (As I firming grip his hand, his head raises,, I look directly into his eyes...,
I see if only for a second a faint smile and the light, glow ,and sparkle of our friendship which once was ! )
I say... " Just remember please that LOVE is the perfect bond of union not some petty rules or obedience
to institutions! " (As the tears began to well up in his eyes... he hurriedly says... "Great to see ya Caliber"
He the quickly pulls his hand way and hurries out the store ) "..sure thing M...." I say( His hurried exist was
quite timely for me too because I must had gotten some burning dust in my eyes and suddenly seen the
need to put on my sunglasses. I ( I knew in my heart I could draw out those beautiful words .......
"It's good to see ya Caliber " )