Tearful grocery store encounter

by caliber 22 Replies latest jw experiences

  • caliber

    I was in the grocery store not long ago, I realize that right across the produce table was along-time Friend

    M....... " Hello M...... how are things ?" ...( no response ) .. So I say " Which one of the unforgivable

    sins have I committed ? " ( I am a long time fader with no restrictions etc ) Finally he is struggling to raise

    his head and with nervous words says . ".. "wel.. wel... well none ! " Have I then caused you some

    personal offense ?" ( I say ) . M's response ... nnnnn... none ! I say .."You know there is a Bible verse that

    we used to use.". that says .. "because you don't follow the same course some will speak abusively

    of you . But I would classify this as pure assumption would you not ? ( M.. just glances at me in shock )

    " To my best knowledge I have not caused you harm ,.. so what then is the force or power that now stands

    between us, in our friendship ? "( I quickly stick out my hand in friendship underneath his partly bowed head )

    " I'm glad to see you M.... " ( the shocking truth and reality of what I have just said strikes him ! He then quickly

    reaches out his hand to grip mine. (As I firming grip his hand, his head raises,, I look directly into his eyes...,

    I see if only for a second a faint smile and the light, glow ,and sparkle of our friendship which once was ! )

    I say... " Just remember please that LOVE is the perfect bond of union not some petty rules or obedience

    to institutions! " (As the tears began to well up in his eyes... he hurriedly says... "Great to see ya Caliber"

    He the quickly pulls his hand way and hurries out the store ) "..sure thing M...." I say( His hurried exist was

    quite timely for me too because I must had gotten some burning dust in my eyes and suddenly seen the

    need to put on my sunglasses. I ( I knew in my heart I could draw out those beautiful words .......

    "It's good to see ya Caliber " )


  • BabaYaga

    That is beautiful.

    You never know... that miniscule moment of truth and love may burn long enough to melt the ice of his dogma.

    Here's hoping. And very, VERY well handled on your part. Really lovely and loving.


  • DaCheech

    all of this for a fader?

    they are petty, huh?

  • hobbitLore

    I really enjoyed reading that, Caliber. I hope you make M think.


  • sacolton

    He seems more embarrassed than glowing with a zeal to shun in the name of Jah. If you just faded, why was he so timid?

  • Anti-Christ

    That's sad, you can see what kind of damage mind control does, a normal circumstance in which he did not know how to act. Anybody who has learn normal social behaviour would have not panicked. Are you not glad to be freed from such a mental prison?

  • Hope4Others

    I think the fact is we have not been to a memorial in 5 yrs...we have said the odd comment though carefully...I'm sure

    we have been marked. You have to know this congregation.......people mark and not talk to who they choose to mark on their own

    accord. Extremely self righteous. And we do live in a smaller community everyone knows everyone else.


  • blondie

    So far we haven't been shunned although faders except by some of my immediate family. I guess it's because we never talk to any jws negatively about the WTS. Of course, no one is inviting us over for dinner..................

  • caliber

    Hey Blondie,

    Thanks for your comment I really enjoy your intelligent and practical input on this forum. Here's some

    humor for you, I just told H4O a day ago......... " You know I won't feel I am a good poster til I get

    BLONDIE on my post... you just made my day ........thanks !


    Of course thanks to all other comments as well, encouragement always goes a long way with me !

  • llbh

    I think it is the same for many of us.I must admit i enjoyed the gentle approach you took

    I bet you shamed him though i doubt that was your intention

    Regards David

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