I've been away to visit my Sister and her "worldly" husband after many years of not seeing her...I don't even have her phone number as she lives overseas. We just had a first family get together. When she met me at the door I was ready for anything! If she punched me in the face I would have deserved it and thanked her, for shunning her all these years. She grit her teeth as we kissed! I felt so bad! I was friendly as possible and asked many questions...how've you been? How's work? She brought her dog, which broke the ice a little. For the next few days we talked and I found her "worldly" husband was a really nice guy. He was kind to my mum, and talked with me about everything. I wanted to say "sorry" but I was sooo ashamed, and thought I would burst into tears any second. I ran around like a lap dog trying to please them any way I could. We talked and got to be friends again...she left me her card so I can E-mail her....she put on her wedding DVD She was so beautiful....when the priest said "we are gathered here amongst all these Witnesses...." she and her husband turn around looked at the empty chappell and laughed....I had to leave the room..the dam had burst, and I cried in the toilet for afew minutes. We left on very friendly terms and I plan to keep in regular contact with her. At the Airport yesterday, I cried almost all the way home. Imagine a huge 6 foot tall man sitting next to you sobbing loudly. Everyone thought I was leaving a loved one behind, I guess I was. Today I feel so much relief...some of the weight has been taken off my shoulders, I now feel like I want to live....I will E-mail her tonight.
If you are a Jehovah's Witness reading this, PLEASE go see your loved one while you still can. It will ease your pain.