After years I visited my Disfellowshiped Sister and "worldly" husband! CRY!

by Witness 007 34 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Lo-ru-hamah

    Congratulations Witness 007. I am so glad for you to have your sister back. Family is one of the greatest treasures. Don't be too ashamed to apologize, she deserves it and you will feel so much better. When words of apology are said and meant they are beautiful.


  • Hope4Others

    This is such a heart warming experience, I am happy for you that you have been able to re-connect with your sister. Life is just too

    short...and having been a jw well you know how that goes. I bet she cried to when she got home, and no doubt she will look forward to

    you emails also. This is a win, win as I see it.

    Happiness to you!


  • Quirky1

    Family is a precious thing to have.

    *snif* snif*

  • jamiebowers

    Since I use my real name, I can't mention who the person is, but a close relative of mine is out-not da'd or df'd yet but out nonetheless. He never apologized for shunning me all these years, and I don't care. We picked up right where we left off years ago. If my mom or any of my other jw relatives stopped shunning me, I wouldn't care about an apology from them either. Just knowing that they are no longer brain washed would be enough for me.

    IMHO, you should apologize, but don't let your guilt hinder your re-established relationship. As people are streaming out of the cult, we're going to be hearing more and more of these reunion stories.

  • LockedChaos

    Just a thought

    Why would it be a problem
    to break down in tears during an apology?

    Kinda shows it coming from the heart

    Nothing to be embarrassed about

  • Witness 007
    Witness 007

    My sister is a big time buissness woman and I know she would be embarrased to see me cry or cry herself....when leaving she told my mum not to make her cry....I held us together.

  • caliber

    It is a myth that crying over a loss continues forever and impedes our progress. Converse is true. Not crying over losses and deaths creates a 'burden' in the body that we are not consciously aware of. This burden is only experienced when it is allowed to let go. As long as one is holding on to the burden, one does not realise that it is being carried. We are so used to carry it anyway.

    Our nervous system goes into stress mode when our body perceives any threat. At that time the process of crying is suspended. It is only when a person starts to relax that the crying activity occurs. Physiologically, the parasympathetic nervous system is responsible for relaxation. Crying or shedding tears, is a parasympathetic activity too. So people who are stressed out do not cry. But they are not happy either.

    When someone cries over a loss, it means the nervous system is getting 'comfortable' or is reaching a stage of 'accepting' the loss. This causes a balance between the sympathetic (stress producing) and the parasympathetic (relaxation producing) parts of the nervous system. The crying that involves grief almost ALWAYS ends.

    your healing has begun !


  • Mrs. Fiorini
    Mrs. Fiorini

    Tears came to my eyes as I read your story. I havenĀ“t talked to my siblings in years and it broke my heart when they refused to come to my wedding.

    I am so happy for you and your sister. I know that what ever other feelings she may have, she is just so happy to be seeing you again. I just hope someday my brothers and my sister will be like you and we can be reunited too.

  • Witness 007
    Witness 007

    Just got my first E-mail reply from my Sister. She's happy and very busy in go for it Sis! So damn proud! It's funny watching her I remember some of her mannerisms and quirks are just like mine!

  • sweetstuff

    Awww, what a great story. Did you send her an email apology yet? She NEEDS to have it. She loves you and you love her but there is bound to be alot of pain built up inside due to feeilng shunned for so long. It will give her the much needed recognition that what happened in the past isn't ignored and that you realize how wrong it was. It will mend a hole that exists in her heart and will bring you both closer together for the future. Hugs!

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