My 28y old nephew was dating a 'sister' from another congregation. He recently bought his own home. I stopped by there to drop off something. The sister was over there and I obviously interrupted something. Both of them were visibly nervous and she was adjusting her clothes as I walked into the living room. He knew I was coming by. But the funniest part of the story is that when we were all at a family dinner a few days later and the two of them were going to the store to buy some soda, my MIL made someone go with them as a Chaperone. Anyone else have any funny or strange stories like that?
Dating in the KH-funny stories.
by QuestioningEverything 11 Replies latest jw friends
I used to chaperone my sister and her boyfriend (now husband) all the time. I was 16 at the time, she was 25. I always left them alone, because chaperoning was boring. I would just go into my bedroom to read or watch TV or whatever and leave them in the living room. My sister told me I was the best chaperone ever lol.
When I was dating my ex-husband, my mother let us go out alone quite a bit, which is weird since she's a very strict JW.
When I was about 18-19, I was 'dating' a JW brother. To the consternation of my elder father, this young man was 1) spiritually spotless, not sure if he was a ministerial servant but if not, he was on his way; 2) had no 'prior record'; 3) was a very nice person; and 4) was also over 18.
So my dad used the only ammo he had left--since I was 'still under his roof', I had to have strict chaperoning any time I was around this young man. I didn't like many people so it was difficult trying to consider a 'suitable' chaperone. So when one night we planned to go to the movies and dinner, he promised to bring his friend "George"...
...To my EXTREME mortification, "George" turned out to be a dull, obese brother in his 50's, in a 3-piece plaid suit (this was NOT the 1970s) and horrible fedora hat. He looked completely uncomfortable and embarrassed as well.
I mean, really.....the date and I were both dressed very casually. Needless to say, we only made it to the local convenience store for gas before I requested that I be taken back home. I remember thinking how utter ridiculous the entire thing was....even though I was 'born in' and knew nothing about dating, it was like I knew that dating wasn't supposed to be this miserable.
Wordly Andre
Speaking just from my JW family, there is a HIGH divorce rate, I think out of all my JW cousins there are only 2 who are still married and one of that 2 nearly went through a divorce, all of my brothers and sisters divorced, and some of my JW cousins have 2-3 divorces under their belts. I wonder how the JW's divorce rates compare with say Mormons?
wha happened?
My ex was the PO's daughter and we were under constant watch. We couldn't even go to the mall together unless we had someone in tow. No sitting at the hall together unless we were engaged. Also, we had to have a proper chaperone which meant no sisters, because a sister might have to be in a position to correct me.
Once we all went on a group trip to San Diego. Her father stated my ex couldn't go in the car unless a brother came along. There were 2 others sisters who would be in the car. His reason? He wanted to make sure that being alone in the car we wouldn't be tempted to do something. Uh Hello??? What are we going to do in a car with two other people in it while driving on the freeway??
Hand holding was barely tolerable by her parents. When I would drive by and she would come out to greet me, her Mom or Dad would sit out on the porch and watch us the entire time. I'm glad they never knew we would sneak off and make out. -
I was dating a brother once. ( I was his first girlfriend at 23) ( note to self never be anyone's first girlfriend)We went over to another family's house to visit. Just him and I in his pickup truck.
My mother made me call when I got there and when I left. I guess she thought we were going to have sex at the stop lights on the way home.
Anyway the next week this other brother comes up to me ( he thought he was my brother and boss) and tells I'd better not hear of you being in a car alone with a brother again.
Geez This brother had no room to talk. Where was his chaperone when he robbed the furniture store?
My wife and I usually dated without a chaperone before getting married. One day we were in a store and ran into another brother. I thought quickly on my feet. "Have you seen my girlfriend's sister?" I asked the brother. "She was just here a minute ago. She's probably on the other side of the store. Well, I'd better go look for her." Darn- my chaperone and I lost track of each other yet again!
For me - dating was a miserable experience. I was the nerd. Yall gals remember me - or my type.
Anyway... there was this one gal that I met. I asked her out (I aways expected a 'NO' for an answer), and was shocked when she said 'yes'.
Well... we went out to dinner and a movie. (I seem to remember going to see Rocky. - the original) I was the perfect gentleman - didn't grope or act inappropriately. Afterwards, I took her home and said 'goodnight'.
I did a followup call the next day, and she told me that she was reading the 'Babylon book'. (The thick maroon red one - 1965?) Anyway, I started in with conversation - trying to be nice and all. She comes back with... (and I quote)
"Look. All I want to be is just friends - so don't ever call me again." (unquote)
So... we're still friends to this day... cuz I ain't ever called HER again.
lol. Great stories
Great topic. Never been under a surveillance, and yes that gave space for some nicr experiences. The best days of my life that lead to a good mariage.