by What-A-Coincidence 37 Replies latest jw friends


    Whatever reasons and I have more and better reasons to be not in their organization they are number one christian organization on the face of the planet earth.

    Read my posts about the times we are living now on this Jehovahs-Witness forum and some usenet discussion groups : alt.bible,alt.religion.jehovahs-witn,alt.apocalypse to learn how they are outstanding according to the Bible.

    If you know me I am predicting based on the Bible the end of the present world order in 2011 AD and Jehovah's Witnesses may jump for joy as it is clearly shown they are in God's favor over all other christian organizations.

    If you leave the Jehovahs Witness organization you must have better views than they have that can make you feel comfortable.

    I noticed in my past many Jehovah's Witnesses that left the organization went wrong way - they jumped from the frying pan into the fire !

    They made things worse !

    If you leave them you must find another better religiuos organization or another choice is to be on your own which is a very risky step . You must have a good reason based on the Bible to be an independent christian.

    Under no circumstances you should join any other religious organization as they are not better than Jehovahs Witness organization.

    Harold Camping who wrote a small book : " We Are Almost There " ( he also came up with the year 2011 AD as the year of the end of the world ) teaches that all christians must get out their churches .I am teaching much the same making some exception by excluding Jehovah's Witnesses.

    Another preacher that got my attention is Ronald Weinland with his book : " 2008 . God's Final Witness ".

    Since we are so close to the year 2011 AD your whole attention should be directed at finding who is teaching the Truth of the Bible and you consider those who predict the end of the world and what these preachers teach and is what they teach is in agreement with the Bible.

    Your leaving Jehovahs Witness organization can make your situation worse .

  • str8?so is spaghetti..until you heat it up
    str8?so is spaghetti..until you heat it up




    Disassociation was for me, the cleanest way of showing that I NO LONGER ACCEPTED the Jehovah's Witness Organisation and did not wish to be counted among their number. It has been 12 months now, and I think, judging by other JWs I have met who are 'fading' or have been 'disfellowshipped' that my path has been the smoothest. Its the easiest way to take control of your life. It may not be for everyone, but I am damn sure that it was the best path for me.

    Much Love


  • What-A-Coincidence

    The P.O. just shows up at the door right now ... asking if I want to end the matter then and now ... he was friendly and all that ... I said, nah, we'll send a letter.

    What is the big damn rush???


  • Hortensia

    this is an interesting discussion. My favorite is the person (Little Toe, I think) who gave the Sunday talk and during the talk read some scriptures that lead up to his announcing from the podium that he was no longer a JW. Then he just walked out of the KH. I wish I had the idea myself, and the cojones. I wish I had been there!!! If anyone plans to do that and wants to let me know, I'd love to show up, listen seriously, stand up and say, "You know what, he's right." And walk out too.

  • free2beme

    I never sent a letter eleven years ago, did not play their game, why are you?

  • Sunspot

    After a loyal and obedient 30 year stint as a servant of the WTS, I began to see all the flaws and faults I never realized when we got a computer and I did some research. It took me a long and painfilled year, lots of prayer, and the deep and heartsick knowledge that I indeed...had "been had" by the WTS. I was SO disgusted that I wrote a DA letter to tell THEM why I no longer wished to be known as one of Jehovah's Witnesses.

    I knew that God hates a coward....and It takes COURAGE to put your thoughts into words and MORE courage to offer those words to those that will not take too kindly to them. I KNEW that I could no longer teach others what they wanted me to, and my conscience could not bear the weight of the lies I had discovered they had told me.

    YES there were repercussions, shunning and cruel actions from those that were told I had "left God" when I had only left some delusional and controlling men in Brooklyn...but I had the satisfaction of standing before God himself and showing my disgust for the despicable cult I had been cleverly sucked into. I felt ever so much better after writing it......if only for my own peace of mind. I have never regretted writing that letter. MY regret is that I listened to the WTS in the first place.



  • isnrblog

    Why bother. Ignore them. if you fell you must make a statement, than pursue it.

    I think it's a waste of time.

  • LovesDubs

    I knew that it didnt matter if I sent a formal letter or not that I would be disfellowshipped or DAd soon anyway because of the holidays and my stand on the internet against them...

    SO! I QUIT before they could FIRE ME :) And I got GREAT pleasure out of telling them where they could stick their LIES. I did it for ME not to follow any of their damn rules. They make you send a letter to your former churches telling them you are no longer a member and that has some weird significance to them...so back at em!


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