Whatever reasons and I have more and better reasons to be not in their organization they are number one christian organization on the face of the planet earth.
Read my posts about the times we are living now on this Jehovahs-Witness forum and some usenet discussion groups : alt.bible,alt.religion.jehovahs-witn,alt.apocalypse to learn how they are outstanding according to the Bible.
If you know me I am predicting based on the Bible the end of the present world order in 2011 AD and Jehovah's Witnesses may jump for joy as it is clearly shown they are in God's favor over all other christian organizations.
If you leave the Jehovahs Witness organization you must have better views than they have that can make you feel comfortable.
I noticed in my past many Jehovah's Witnesses that left the organization went wrong way - they jumped from the frying pan into the fire !
They made things worse !
If you leave them you must find another better religiuos organization or another choice is to be on your own which is a very risky step . You must have a good reason based on the Bible to be an independent christian.
Under no circumstances you should join any other religious organization as they are not better than Jehovahs Witness organization.
Harold Camping who wrote a small book : " We Are Almost There " ( he also came up with the year 2011 AD as the year of the end of the world ) teaches that all christians must get out their churches .I am teaching much the same making some exception by excluding Jehovah's Witnesses.
Another preacher that got my attention is Ronald Weinland with his book : " 2008 . God's Final Witness ".
Since we are so close to the year 2011 AD your whole attention should be directed at finding who is teaching the Truth of the Bible and you consider those who predict the end of the world and what these preachers teach and is what they teach is in agreement with the Bible.
Your leaving Jehovahs Witness organization can make your situation worse .