Why did you first come here?
1. searching the net for info about JWs
2. came from another website
3. friend told me about
4. other
On an emotional level where were you when you first came here?
1. frustrated or fed up with JWs and WTS
2. needed some info and support from other people who may feel the same way
3. was DFed or DAed and felt lost and alone
4. was involved with a JW and needed info about this religion that was interfering with the relationship
5. other
How long did you read before you started posting?
1. almost immediately
2. a few weeks
3. a few months
4. a year or more
If you go back in your history what was your first post?
1. a question
2. an interesting topic that pushed you to click on that reply link
3. you simply thought it was time to introduce yourself and start posting
4. other: I wanted to warn a poster that they were giving too much private info and could be outed.
Have you gone through the archives (older posts) to. . . .
1. do some research on the JWs or a particular topic related to the WTS
2. was bored and started looking
3. used the Best of . . . section to research various topics
If you have been here for a while why do you stay
1. social benefits - hanging out with friends
2. only place you can be yourself
3. research
4. need support during the rough times
5. helping others
6. other