Can't we all just get along? (and get back on topic?)
It's a good letter, wish I had written it instead of basically writing, "I quit!" in my letter..... Gymbob
by daniel-p 33 Replies latest jw friends
Can't we all just get along? (and get back on topic?)
It's a good letter, wish I had written it instead of basically writing, "I quit!" in my letter..... Gymbob
I was just wondering what a text message DA letter would look like, if you used all the latest tweenie bop slang and abreviations.
Something like this maybe?
Dear Bros,
idk if I can go out with u at night anymore. I guess we're not goin 2b BFFs anymore. My mom has put the lock down on me and I got 2 BBsit my little bro on 2sday and thursday nights. And sunday, my braces need tightening... every sunday for the rest of my life. Service is totally boooring, so thats out 2. Ihope this doesn't make you 2 :( LOL!
(((((((((Hugs))))))))) by4now!
Proplog2..I have insinuated nothing..That makes you a Liar!.....You have publicly defended the WBT$ Rules,that Protect Pedophiles..You have also publicly admitted,to keeping the doors open in your home..So your children,would not molest each other!..........I have asked you one simple "question."..Do you feel you need the protection,the WBT$ Rules provides for Pedophiles?......You have refused to answer my question!.....It is a simple Yes or No,Question!.........You have adamantly defended WBT$ Rules,that are Deviant..WBT$ Rules that Protect Pedophiles!..Then distance yourself from the subject,when asked if you are in need of them..LOL!!........................It is also a matter of public record that you Spammed DanielP..At least 3times today..Twice,on 2 of DanielP`s old Threads that you purposely bumped.So you could spam him!..Then..You Stalked and Spammed DanielP,on Hillbilly`s thread..The same post repeated 3 times word for word,on 3 different threads!......And..Now you publicly threaten to Open new accounts.If you are tossed off the board for breaking the rules,the rest of us here,live by....LOL!!........I have already warned you once..If you continue your usual Troll Behaviour..You will be tossed off the board!.....................
I guess anyone can try to sign on with a different IP address right now. The board isn't accepting any new members, though, so I cannot see how that's possible. Plus it's against the rules...
PM Simon if you want. Why would you drag this into other threads? You sound like a drama queen. Just ignore him.
Outlaw, you need a spanking!