To me, Obama is an ultra-liberal. Period.
Pfft. PLease, in Canada Obama would be considered a Conservative.
by digderidoo 69 Replies latest jw friends
To me, Obama is an ultra-liberal. Period.
Pfft. PLease, in Canada Obama would be considered a Conservative.
You have taken a question by a person who does not live in this country, about how people IN this country perceive our presidential candidate, and turned it into some kind of racial battle. He asked for the perspective of real people. He did not make a racial judgement, nor did anyone else.
Oh yes, I agreed with some of your points on a previous thread. Because they were warranted. In this case they were not.
As a liberal myself, I do not see Obama as an ultra liberal at all. Actually, he's a bit too conservative
To me, Obama is an ultra-liberal. Period.Pfft. PLease, in Canada Obama would be considered a Conservative.
Lil Bro...........that's why we have not annexed your country.... it' would take a 1000 years to straighten you folks out.
I have to ask... that "Red Green" fella... we see him on TV down here. Is he "conservative" or "liberal" by Canadian standards?
I'm pretty sure that most are pleased to see this possibility of a black president, but on the other side is there a feeling of maybe resentment that he is not from the typical black family.
What is a typical black family? I want to see if my great-grand parents', my grandparents', my parent's, and my own family fits in...I have a feeling it won't if I correctly guess what your answer will be.
You have taken a question by a person who does not live in this country, about how people IN this country perceive our presidential candidate, and turned it into some kind of racial battle. He asked for the perspective of real people. He did not make a racial judgement, nor did anyone else.
Oh yes, I agreed with some of your points on a previous thread. Because they were warranted. In this case they were not.
B -
First, I responded to one person, Dan, and he responded to clarify his statement. This entire topic was racial, whether you like it or not. I am not saying it was a combative racial topic, but it was a racial topic. First of all, the question was directed to "black Americans", that's not all people, that's a specific population of people. And as a few people have pointed out, including myself, it is a very DIVERSE group of people, with differing political beliefs. NO ONE said he was making a racial judgment, I sure didn't, again, I just think that getting caught up in black americans versus white americans versus asian americans versus hispanic american is TIRING, and it just adds to the divisiveness that is too much a climate of this country than needs to be.
The perspective of real people, myself included is that the entire racial element to this election is used to manipulate people and take away from the real political issues.
I have said all I am going to say on this perspective, we are just going to have to agree to disagree...
Who really put this kid on point? I mean the smokey back room guys. What faction of the Democratic party... or group that could manipulate the party for their agenda is putting the Obama guy's face on the poster?
In spite of all evidence to the contrary, lol, Democrats really would like to win. So yeah, Obama got attention when he was seen and heard - it would take a deaf blind idiot not to recognize the potential. Obviously, his rise had to come at the expense of Hillary's fall, so two different things are going on here.
A) there is the DNC vs DLC battle, in which Hillary is DLC and Obama is DNC. Both on the democratic side, but definitely two factions. IMO the good guys won, and the DNC under Howard Dean's leadership had a smart new direction in 2006 with his 50 state strategy. It happens to fit right into Obama's style and beliefs, and that's why Obama is keeping Dean on as chairman. You can see the difference by looking at the "old school" way that Hillary ran her campaign, vs Obama's strategy and tactics.
And then B) there is the fact, and this crosses the two camps (dlc vs dnc) dividing lines, that a great many democrats didn't want to refight the energized-by-Hillary republican base in the same old battles (even though in the end, this time, Hillary was likely to prevail), and more importantly, don't want to relive the Clinton style of government - - just because it's far, far better than Bush, doesn't mean it's optimal.
Mrs. Jones, I've SEEN my own daughter be told that she isn't black enough because she gets good grades and doesn't run around at all hours of the night.
That happened to my oldest, who is Black. They were on her because she was in classes for "the gifted". My daughter started rebelling around the age of 16. Started getting bad grades, missing classes, speaking less properly, ...the whole ball of wax! She hated being different and not in regular classes. They said that I was gifted too (as far as reading comprehension). Put me in a class with older children. I hated it and quit school. The whole thing about gifted children is to keep them from dropping out of school (a common thing among these types).
Not many people want to be set outside of their group. I hate reading now! And my spelling is, definitely, not as good as it use to be!
Anyway, across the pond, wasn't there a member of Parliament that called someone a "bloody n-word" because he didn't want him elected?
The British Conservative Party has become embroiled in a controversy over the selection of a black man to run for a seat in the House of Commons, with one party member reportedly calling the candidate "a bloody nigger."
The candidate, John Taylor, a barrister from England's industrial Midlands and a former political adviser in the Home Office, was selected by leaders of the Cheltenham Conservative Association. They then put foward Mr. Taylor's name to rank-and-file members, who narrowly supported the nomination by a vote of 111 to 83.
Some members immediately began moves to reopen the selection process, complaining that Mr. Taylor's name was the only one advanced and that they had been denied any real choice in the matter. They said also that Conservative Party headquarters had forced Mr. Taylor on Cheltenham, a fashionable town in England's West Country, which has only a small number of blacks among its population.
Among the opponents of Mr. Taylor's candidacy was Bill Galbraith, who was quoted in the press as saying that Cheltenham should not "give in to a bloody nigger even though central office have foisted him upon us" and that "we are here to repel the invader." Elected on 'Classless' Platform
That happened to my oldest, who is Black. They were on her because she was in classes for "the gifted".
When I was in high school I was in the "regular" classes...with the white kids who all lived in the same city I did. The black kids, who were bussed in, were mostly tracked into classes were they were all together (not a white kid to been seen). I was also in the gifted program from grade school to high school, with a few black kids who were bussed in. But was I gifted or just a normal kid in class with her educational peers?