The more important question is who is really backing a lawyer with less than 4 years Federal experience to front this campaign?
Let me turn that around, Bush has 8 years experience how many people in their right mind would want 4 more years of Bush.
I do know Bush is not allowed by the constitution to run again.
I am glad he has decided he doesnt want another 4 years, because the man is oblivious and unaware of a document known as the constitution.
The way I see it experience as a politician is a bad thing. Politicians are very evil, lying people and the longer and more they do it, the better they get at it.
The way I see it, we have 2 bad choices.
They say if you keep hitting your head against the wall hoping for different results, that is insanity.
America is going down the wrong path today, America is bankrupt today.
9 years ago America was solvent and had the best economy in the world.
Today it has suffered 8 years of bushwaking. Republican lies. They lie so much that people start believing them. Bush doesnt believe it. You can see the smirk on his face.
McBush has been described as Bush on steroids. That would be translated as ultra stupid.
This war in Iraq chasing the boogie man has destroyed the US economy.
The stock market has made zero gains in Bushes 8 years.
Thats the stock market the dingbat wants you to invest your social security in. Just like McBush wants.
These 8 years of bush wackin being ridden hard and put up wet has delayed many folks retirement by 8 years, which translates many people will be working till they die.
Thats if we have jobs. Bush and McBush are globalist and all for exporting jobs out of this country.
Obama might be incompetent and a therorist and all the things you say. But he is someone other than Bush and someone other than McBush.
Desperate people do desperate things.
There are only 2 choices 2 doors to open.
If you vote independent, or libertarian or for someone other than the Democratic or Republican canidate you are throwing your vote away.
Under Bush the countrys been invaded and overrun by Mexicans and imigrants.
Manufacturing has dissappeared, which is why our economy is in a shambels you have to make things.
If sellling insurance and telemarketing made a great economy their would be no 3rd world countrys.
You have to make things. The making of products is the tax base.
Then everyone else serves the maker of things. The police, firemen, insurance man, exterminator, house painter, heat and airconditioning man, banker.
America became great once upon a time because we made things.
Now we dont make much. And we arent much. Thats a depression, recession that we are in.
If Obamas a theorist that means he thinks, If hes thinking he might figure out the answer to the maze, puzzle that were in.
Bush puts out a persona, that he doesnt like to think, he has been described by those who know him as the most un-inquisitive person.
Bush and McBush are for maintaining the status quo. The status quo is to keep the multinational corporations rich create new markets, not for America or American companies, but new markets for international corporations.
Why because of lobbying. The people that lobby them and support them are the internatonal corporations they give them the money to be elected and they tell them what to do.
I know that goes on on both sides. But today there is no question of who Bush or McBush are and what direction they will take this country.
With Obama, one can at least hope he might favor the working man over the lobbiest, maybe just a little bit. A few crumbs.
LIke I said 2 bad choices.
Today I'll make my bad choice for Obama.