funny, but not really true
Why do many JWs neglect their health conditions?
by navytownroger 39 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
JW`s neglect their health,because they don`t believe they`re going to die..The New System is just around the corner!..
I agree with OUTLAW.
"Millions now living will never die," . . . isn't that what they believe?
Billy the Ex-Bethelite
Solace, the subject is "Why do many JWs neglect their health conditions?" Perhaps most don't neglect their health, but too many do... and they use the excuses I listed.
Those were the excuses I used. I started pioneering in the 80s when "this generation" placed the big A only a few years away... specifically anytime before 1994... the 80 year "generation" from 1914. Insurance and retirement planning indicated a lack of faith. I couldn't afford insurance or regular trips to the dentist. I was young and got away with it. But since the big A didn't come by 1994, there are a lot of things I would have done different to be in better shape now.
B the X
Edit to add: Sorry, I don't think I've welcomed you to JWD yet Solace. So, WELCOME! I hope you never had the experience of being so deeply into the JW armageddon mindset to neglect your health and financial future for full-time book-selling.
Because j hoover is gonna take all their woes away, he'll fix everything. Debt, any problems and of course medical issues just wait on j hoover. It's just around the corner, any minute now just hang on.
most witnesses dont neglect their health.
oh poor solace.... yes they do, i am diabetic and have been told by more than a few witnesses to forget about taking insulin, drink more water and soon enough jebubba would fix it all for me... no worries right? wrong if i was even close to as stupid as them i would have dropped dead so long ago... i have seen people die because they left their health in jebubbas hands.... gimme a break!!! the infamous one
It's true, they are waiting on jehober and the new system that's right around the corner. Which is why so many who have long standing medical problems, myself included, are encouraged, pressured even, to pioneer and do more because 'our reward will be great in the new system.'
"yes they do, i am diabetic and have been told by more than a few witnesses to forget about taking insulin, drink more water and soon enough jebubba would fix it all for me... no worries right?"
your condescending manner is quite JW like.
either youre lying, or you dealt with some extremely retarded witnesses. -
you are my age -- unless the standard is completely different in the UK, i can only say you are lying :shrug:
Well in my area most can't afford are usually contract.
Private insurance runs around $800-900 for a family who at best makes $1400
Several are patients of the state's mental health program....for anti-depressants and anti-anxiety.
Our local hospital has just started a underpriviled woman's program....most of the sisters have enrolled.
Most of their children are on Medicaid or CHIPS.
A college education would have prevented much of this situation.
Geez now I am so many people I love sacrifice so much to knock at empty houses......fall Pharisee tower fall !!