I wonder what is the ratio of JWs who neglect their health compared to the "general" public.
Why do many JWs neglect their health conditions?
by navytownroger 39 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
I've met more than an average number of older JW's with bad teeth. I wonder if a lifetime of waiting for the end caused them to postpone this sort of health maintenance...indefinitely?
My JW hubby is obsessed with health and youth, and does all he can to preserve it. I chalk this also up to the JW influence (or else the JW's reinforce a personal obsession). The obsession with youth and perfection, I think, leaves many unprepared for old age.
I caught an older JW reading one of those bogus "all-natural-health-cure" books on the sly at a convention. I don't think he ever intended to see middle age.
Where I see definite neglect is in maintenance of their careers. I know of a couple cases where a JW chose to remain on disability than to recover to full-time work. What is the point if the world is only going to be around for a few short years? Those "few short years" then drag on, and on.....
I tell my JW hubby that he is in charge of the here-and-now, and I'll take care of our future.
Scarred for life
A lot of JW's are highly skeptical of Dr.'s. I frequently heard remarks such as, Dr's don't know anything, they just want your money. And they are part of "Satan's system" and they have a "worldly education" as opposed to being educated by Jehovah.
This would also very much apply to my many relatives that are JWs.
My JW mom takes very good care of herself, exercises daily and is eating better and better everyday. She also keeps good health insurance through her employer, has a nice retirement account and takes regular vacations.
A lot of JW's are highly skeptical of Dr.'s. I frequently heard remarks such as, Dr's don't know anything, they just want your money. And they are part of "Satan's system" and they have a "worldly education" as opposed to being educated by Jehovah.
I know you shouldn't speak ill of the dead but some days I think Clayton Woodworth did more damage then Rutherford! Clayton " I once was possessed" Woodworth.....Medical Quackery at it's finest!
White Dove
You didn't deserve those "liar" comments from the newbie. That was rude of that poster to say those things about you without even knowing you or your situation.
Shame on him! How insensitive!
I believe you.
It must have been hard to grow up with those health problems.
probably not very different.
i would say witnesses in general take better care of themselves. -
" Just because we are the same age doesn't mean what i am saying isn't the truth Solace. "
you being a liar was only one of the possibilities -- it is more likely you were just around a bad bunch of witnesses -
Fear not those that kill the body..... da na na na
but cannot destroy the soul ... DA DA DA DA!
Lets all go outside and shoot ourselves
then we dont have to put up with this shit no more.
I am grateful for living in Scandinavia....