Dear Rachel....
First of all, take a deep breath and slowly exhale.......
Everyone.... and I mean EVERYONE gets to a certain age or point in this "journey" we call LIFE and feels EXACTLY the way you your're not alone. The difference, at this very moment, is that most of us have figured out a way to get on and through this journey without being overwhelmed by those feelings. So, your task, isn't in figuring out "what the h*ll is life all about" and "why do I have to go through all of this crap", but rather what CAN I do to be empowered to handle this journey, and not sit back and be reactive to the onslaught of "life". I am not a psychologist, but I am someone who can tell you what works for me (everyone's different).
1. Keep things simple (in fact there's a little book called "Don't Sweat the small stuff....(and it's all small stuff)"
2. Whatever is bothering me, I break it down into smaller tasks, feelings, situations (whatever) that can be handled
3. It's hard at first, but don't cheat yourself out of looking at the POSITIVES in life (look around, they're EVERYWHERE) ... you'll be surprised at how just changing your focus into another direction can deminish the negatives.
4. Talk to someone... especially a professional (they're available for free ... you just have to do some research) they can give you the tools to put you on the right track so you won't have to be "suffering" so.
Try to remember..... when you get down the road 10, 15, 20, or 30 years from now, you WILL look back at the way you use to think and give "power" to mostly insignificant things and think to yourself... "whatever"...and "what was I thinking"...
this is my 2 cents, given out of concern that you're not feeling great, and knowing that the gift of LIFE is truly worth living - the good, the bad and the ugly.