I am So Angry

by GoddessRachel 43 Replies latest jw friends

  • chickpea

    not to appear trite, but that bumper sticker summation
    "anger without enthusiasm is called depression"
    is basically spot on!....

    the T i had used to say that
    depression is anger turned inward....
    and the goal of therapy is to find it (anger),
    and process it into something useful....
    anger can be powerfully motivation and
    creative if channeled properly

    anger isnt always a destructive force

    keep reaching out! no one is in this alone!

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    Rachelle are u good today?

  • joannadandy
    What kind of pathetic loser makes a post like this anyway? A desperate lonely pathetic loser. That would be me.

    No - actually your post sounds like something I could have composed myself quite a few times in my life. You're not alone in how you feel. I think quite a few of us here have probably had the same thoughts, anger, and frustrations.

    I also couldn't afford therapy, or didn't think I could risk exposing how bad off I was to my family by asking for their help. I managed to get through it, and you know what - things are pretty darn good for me, and I don't really have those thoughts or anger and frustration anymore.

    Hang in there - some good advice was already given in this thread - but take a look in your local phone book - there may be some free resources available to you in your area that you didn't even know about.

    A trick that always worked for me, to keep fighting the fight that is life, was to think of something I was definately looking forward to. Sometimes things as stupid as a tv show I wanted to watch, or book that was going to be released in few weeks. Things like that gave me something to look forward to. And then other things - like there was a local park near my school that had landscaped gardens. I always went there to do homework, or just eat lunch and hang out - and I would allow myself some time to just be present and enjoy things like the sounds, the smells, the texture of the space I was in. Focusing on that and how much joy that gave me, was a nice respite from thinking about all the crap that seemed to be falling down in my life at that time.

    Finding what simple things bring you joy - can be the first step to working your way out of your frustrations. Sometimes if we just allow ourselves to really ponder what brings us true joy, it's enough to outweigh the heavyness in our lives.

    I wish you the best Rachel, please hang in there and I hope some peace can find it's way to you soon, but until then I hope you find your small joys to sustain you.

  • joannadandy

    Sorry double post

  • Quandry

    Well, I don't know if Rachael is still with us on this thread or not, but I think it is time for us all to reafirm that we are


    We live on this planet and deserve our place as much as anyone else. If you are still a Christian, then reflect on the value that Jesus placed upon you: he loves everyone and died for each one of us.

    Even if not a Christian, you deserve to be here. We can all make a difference in the lives of others while here on this planet.

  • dawg

    I'm so damned sorry you're down... but I recall Clint Eastwood, you know that world famous philosopher Clint Eastwood don't you...LOL? In one of those movies of his said 'don't give the bastards the satisfaction"...

    Go to a therapist, get help... but find something you love to do... I go fishing. Yea, that boring fishing helps me... is there anything you love doing? Find time and do it.

    But don't let this world get you down... don't give the bastards the satisfaction of knowing they've made any impact whatsoever... I hope you feel better soon... keep cool my sister.

  • poppers

    Take some time and go outside, preferably where other people aren't around. Then simply sit and take in the sights, sounds, smells of what's around you. Judge nothing you see and label nothing you experience through your senses - just observe. When you find yourself caught up in stories about things return attention to your surroundings. You may want to spend some time just putting attention on your breathing as a way to remain anchored in the present moment. Remember always, you are not the stories you tell yourself - you are something beautiful and serene, and that beauty and serenity is always available for you to experience despite what your circumstances are. Circumstances are just that, circumstances. They don't define you. Nothing in your mind defines what you are because "you" are beyond all concepts/mind. Be still and know that "you" are. Peace - poppers

  • Hortensia

    from personal experience I can tell you that something that truly helps when you feel that awful is physical activity outside in the sunshine (or rain if that's what you have). When you feel that bad, get outside and do something really physical - take a long walk, clean up your yard, run, clean the garage, climb a hill. Anything to get you some sunshine, and make you breath and get physically tired. When I was in a serious depression long ago (the depression that got me out of JWs), I had no job or money or prospects. Some days I just started walking and walked until I couldn't anymore. Then I'd take the bus back home and feel better, more able to cope.

  • DanTheMan

    I often think about doing myself in too GR, so I know how you feel. I'm not sure if I'll make it or not myself. But I hope you do.

  • caliber

    Anger is mostly frustration in not knowing what to do...where to find answers...You must seek the answers

    Talking and recognizing there is a problem is a great start.. keep pressing forward til or you or even someone

    else finds the source ! Hope and belief that "this too must pass" is what will sustain you ! Turn hopeless into hopeful !

    Walking with a friend in the dark is better than walking alone in the light. - Helen Keller


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