Watchtower= Poor kid donates his only pig to Society what about you? W.T.F!

by Witness 007 27 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    i guess it was wrong for jesus to bring up the old woman who gave her entire income to the temple

    Good point, Solace. The WT would always bring up the widow's mite in their articles about giving generously to them. I had debunked some of this while still in Bethel and was told to keep it to myself. At JWD, I feel free to share. Here's just two of the things wrong with their application:

    1) Context. Was Jesus using this to tell his disciples to donate everything they had to the temple? Did he say, "now donate your money to the temple like that widow did?" No, he commended the generous and humble spirit of the widow, BUT he CONDEMNED the theatrical displays of generousity by the rich... who still had plenty more money back at home. He was using this as a real-life illustration of what he'd explained to them at Matt. 6:1-4.
    And, what did Jesus say in the context about what was to become of the temple?

    (Mark 12:41-13:2) 41 And he sat down with the treasury chests in view and began observing how the crowd was dropping money into the treasury chests; and many rich people were dropping in many coins. 42 Now a poor widow came and dropped in two small coins, which have very little value. 43 So he called his disciples to him and said to them: "Truly I say to YOU that this poor widow dropped in more than all those dropping money into the treasury chests; 44 for they all dropped in out of their surplus, but she, out of her want, dropped in all of what she had, her whole living."

    As he was going out of the temple one of his disciples said to him: "Teacher, see! what sort of stones and what sort of buildings!" 2 However, Jesus said to him: "Do you behold these great buildings? By no means will a stone be left here upon a stone and not be thrown down."

    2) What did Jesus tell his followers to do with their money? Give it to him, Jesus, or his disciples? Or, give it to the temple? Nope.

    (Matthew 19:20-21) 20 The young man said to him: "I have kept all these; what yet am I lacking?" 21 Jesus said to him: "If you want to be perfect, go sell your belongings and give to the poor and you will have treasure in heaven, and come be my follower."

    Nope, never in the history of the first century Christian congregation did they develop a World Wide Work Fund, Bethel homes, printeries, Assembly Halls, Kingdom Halls, or even bank accounts. With the "great Catholic apostasy" came all the need for donations to an "organization".

    B the X

  • What-A-Coincidence

    nice one billy!

  • Solace1998

    there was an organization created AFTER that context --

    and in that organization, people donated fields, and whatever they could.

    have you read the book of acts?

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    Yeah Solace, they tried that line. Remember, the word "organization" doesn't appear in the Bible.

    Of course I read the book of Acts. I've read the entire Bible, cover to cover, in my first year of Bethel. What-a-Coincidence read it first year of Bethel, too. Here's the context of what you were paraphrasing:

    (Acts 4:32-35) 32 Moreover, the multitude of those who had believed had one heart and soul, and not even one would say that any of the things he possessed was his own; but they had all things in common. 33 Also, with great power the apostles continued giving forth the witness concerning the resurrection of the Lord Jesus; and undeserved kindness in large measure was upon them all. 34 In fact, there was not one in need among them; for all those who were possessors of fields or houses would sell them and bring the values of the things sold 35 and they would deposit them at the feet of the apostles. In turn distribution would be made to each one, just as he would have the need.

    Sounds great, right? Was this "communist paradise" blessed by Jehovah? Although it served a purpose early in the "congregation", Acts chap. 5 proves NO. Read it. Then read the rest of the CGS. This communal ownership is never again spoken of. Certainly, this summer's District Convention drama showed that at the end of the first century, there was individual ownership of property and businesses. And they stressed that the congregation was all about preaching and no place for generous 'good works' for the needy anymore.

    Please stick around Solace, you'll learn a lot about the Bible that the GB doesn't want you to know. Actually, if you start reading the context of material that you have been trained to paraphrase, you will answer many of your own questions. It worked for me.

    Man, I hope you didn't donate all your money to WTBTS or something.

    B the X


    Actually the pig was sent to Bethel..They named him Ted Jaracz..I`m told,he is pretty much in charge of things there now..Pig Dancing....................Laughing Mutley...OUTLAW

  • Solace1998

    I havent been to a meeting in 2 years. when i was attending, i never donated anything -- i never had enough money to, and had no problem with that.

    Fact is, it still is a "communal" effort.

    the people give to the org, and the org distributes literature, and builds kingdom halls...

    if anyone has any financial statements to the opposite, i wouldnt mind seeing it. However, i think its basically biblical example that his followers gave willingly to support the arrangment at the time.

    your comments that just because it wasnt mentioned anymore -- doesnt make much sense. Just because it wasnt mentioned doesnt mean it didnt exist in some form, not to mention that you are making alot of interpolations here.

  • Solace1998

    yes yes -- because facts are not enough, so purile insults (that really arent that funny) are all you have ;)

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    Solace, did you get the book of Acts read already?

    I bet not. Well, I tried. It really is a shame. Perhaps you should go back to JWs and take a closer look at how things run there.

    B the X

  • Solace1998

    i havent had a chance to read it yet... jeez...

    was i not allowed to post until i read it?

    wow, what arrogance.

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    wow, what arrogance.

    Just because I don't agree with you? Personal insults are not effective in the learning process of debate.

    What next, are you going to challenge me to a duel because you really think the Society needed that poor kid's pig?

    Solace, donate your pig to the Society. But don't mislead yourself into thinking the Bible says you should.

    B the X

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