Here's some additional documentation right from the WT for any lurkers who might think that I don't know what I'm talking about in my earlier explanation of the events in Acts chaps 2 & 4:
*** w90 12/1 pp. 24-25 How Jehovah Prospers His Work ***
Pentecost early Christians held all things in common. Do Jehovah’s Witnesses do this?An emergency situation arose following Pentecost 33 C.E. when Jews from distant places who had recently been converted to Christianity remained in Jerusalem to take in further spiritual enlightenment. They needed temporary housing and feeding; hence, local Christians conducted a voluntary sale of property and a common sharing of the proceeds to provide for an extended period of fellowship. (Acts 2:1, 38-47; 4:32-37) No one was forced to sell or donate. (Acts 5:1-4) This holding of things in common was not communism, as some suppose. It was merely a temporary arrangement. When the Christians went back to their own homes, it ceased.
Clearly, even JWs themselves acknowledge that their "organization" isn't based on a "communal ownership of property" as was briefly described early in Acts.
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