Just a thought(s) about how/why the society wants to cut off members from a normal societal relationship.
Outside information: people need information outside their own bubble so to speak, so that they can know what really is going on around them. Members need information from the outside to know the truth. that is why the borg is so scared of the internet and association by members with those outside the box (congregation).
To control us and our activities and future, all you have to do is cut off our past (associations, activities, studies etc.).
People who want to do that (i.e. the borg) are abusive and are in effect commiting a form of murder, they want to totally dominate us and murder any instincts we have about free thought and freedom of action. Thought and actions are only acceptable if in accord with the precepts of the FDS/GB.
The borg seeks total control of us, our ideas, or intellect, our basic human rights our freedom of speech, thought, and how we conduct our lives. Everthing from their world is service oriented, they want us to keep feeding the organizational machine $$$ is what they want and control.
If we think about it the Stockholm syndrome is also prevalent inside the ORG and the congregations. Those abused at least a good part of them love the abuser(s).
Well its something to think about anyway what are your thoughts?