What may at first glance seem like a fantasy, the ex-dub Island of Refuge Project is for real.
Simply put, several friends on this network have decided to throw their resources together to create a better life for themselves by buying a privately owned tropical island, making a community, developing employment for all, and enjoying great fellowship while living in this Aposta Fiesta paradise.
A few weeks ago, I started a lighthearted thread entitled,Would You Like to Live on Gilligan’s Island?
. http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/forum/thread.asp?id=15431&site=3
This thread portrayed a idealized lifestyle of a small group of friends living together on a small island with the best of the modern world (Internet, phones, and several other first world lifestyle features) in a location safe from the problems that many cultures have, namely stress, the rat-race, crime, pollution, and terrorism just to name a few.
I, and now a few others, believe such a dream is not only possible but can be achieved in less than a year. Our plan is to first find the ideal mix of people to live together in a small but vibrant society, followed by developing our capital resources and business projects to provide everyone with their share of the capital to own part of the island and give them money for building a home. The next steps would include the land purchasing and building the island infrastructure (individual homes, community buildings and providing utilities, etc.) followed by moving there and transferring our businesses to the new location. It will not be done in 6 creative days but maybe 6-12 months is more realistic.
Currently, our small group consists of one family and two single people who have committed to the project along with about six others who have expressed an interest in finding out more about it. We are now opening up discussion about the project to anyone else who might be interested, as things look very positive for following through with making this real.
We will post more about our plans and progress as time goes on. If you think this is something you might be interested in doing in real life, please let us know.