EX-JW Project Announcement

by Mindchild 30 Replies latest jw friends

  • rekless

    I am a general building contractor with plumbing electrical carpentry skills.

    I'm gullable that is why I was a JW take me tp paridise.

  • VeniceIT

    Here's an idea once you inhabit the island maybe WTS will send some missionarys over for us to play with


    "Injustice will continue until those who are not affected by it are as outraged as those who are."

  • moman

    Vin, that would be great, I would get a kick out of U messin with the Dubs heads. You could tell them (Missionary Dubs) that U are the "High-priestess" of the island & they must bow down 2 U, or go 2 jail. When we get them in jail, we would de-program them...lol

  • Mindchild

    We are not kidding Moman. We should have an "intro" package put together in a week or two that will explain our plan and includes explanations for how we are going to get the money to buy the island and housing, along with different employment opportunities. We just made this announcement ahead of time because the word got out (it is hard to keep good ideas quiet) and as the cat was out of the bag anyway... The questions you raised will be addressed in the preliminary report.

    Well Rekless, I take it that you had enough gullability for one lifetime anyway. Hopefully you will see that your skills could be in big demand for all the construction we intend to do.

    Ven I think just the opposite will happen. When the Borganization learns about this island swarming with apostates, they are going to circle it on the map in red and call it the birth place of the Antichrist. Any JW within a thousand miles will have an immediate devaluation of their property. hahaha


  • rekless

    hey, MC, I have screwed jewed and tatooed all my life because I'm such a nice guy..that all i want out of life now is a little piece of paridise.maybe a plam tree, a happy happy wave and and a bar b que everynight.

  • mommy

    My apologies to all if my comments were too frivolous. I am very serious about this project, and I am willing to add my hard work and sweat for a bit of paradise as well.

    When I leave, you will know I have been here

  • moman

    Mind,I hope this isz't 2 presumtious, but can I be the first King?

  • Mindchild

    LOL Moman, you remind me of a guy I know who calls himself Lazurus Long the Prince of New Utopia. His dream was to make a huge island in the Caribbean on top of a large seamount that was just a few feet underwater. He was going to be King of this new island nation, and spent a lot of money on hype, trying to impress big shots (after all this is what Kings are good at) and had a bunch of smoke and mirrors together to make it look like hundreds of investors were pouring millions of dollars into his Kingdom. Problem was, though sincere, he was dirt poor, and was pushing his whole scheme on the idea if you get people excited enough, they will believe anything. Kinda sounds familiar aka The Watchtower Society huh? Anyway, he went down the tubes when people discovered he didn't have a real economic plan and no real investors.

    So, unless you are filthy rich and can lay out several million in cash for us to buy our island and homes, then you just have to settle for being an ordinary guy and an extraordinary nice place. Besides that, didn't you know the "King" came in 1914 and lives in Brooklyn? What are you trying to do, stir up trouble?

    Mommy, we know you to be the determined serious sort of person when you need to be. Just remind me to step out of your way when you are busting ass.


  • ISP

    Like what do you do...invade somewhere? It sounds pretty cool! But I have 2 kids and I am into a 'normal life'. I would be skeptical of projects like this. Hey but go for it guys!


  • VeniceIT

    Unfortunelty Mindchild you might be right!!! but I still think we could institute Moman's plan of me being ""High-priestess" of the island & they must bow down 2 U, or go 2 jail. "

    HP Ven

    "Injustice will continue until those who are not affected by it are as outraged as those who are."

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