I am now a reformed conspiracy theorist. I have been wrong, I see it clearly now.
Lee Harvey Oswald, acting alone, fired 3 bullets on November 22, 1963 wounding Gov. Connally and killing President Kennedy. I now believe in the single bullet theory. And I now believe Jack Ruby, acting alone, shot and killed Oswald.
When I was a kid, growing up, I was fascinated by the JFK assasination. In the 70's and into the 80's I read and watched anything I could on the subject. I was convinced then that Oswald, while not totally innocent, probably wasn't the murderer, or at the very least, the only assasin.
But lately, the past few years, have changed my opinion. The first was watching a very well put together program called "Unsolved History" that showed unequivocally, that it was indeed possible for one bullet to strike Kennedy, exit from his throat, hit Connally, embed itself in his leg and then emerge virtually pristine. I did not think this was possible because, among other things, I believed all those books that said, and their diagrams showed, Connally sat exactly at the same height as Kennedy and exactly in front. This was a lie.
Connally sat in by 6 inches and his jump seat was 3 inches lower. Further, the program made the point that when Connally was hit, he wasn't sitting fully erect, he was turned to his right putting his body in the exact alignment with the path of the bullet.
The second thing to change my mind was reading Vincent Bugliosi's book "Reclaiming History". I highly recommend it. The book begins with an exacting, extremely thorough, and precise timeline from Kennedy awakening in his Fort Worth hotel room to the burial of Oswald. That he was so detailed, and I have never read another book that did this sort of involved timeline involving anyone associated with the events, helped me look at the people involved as what they were -- real human beings. Not one dimensional characters to be moved around a conspiracy chess board. The beginning of the book is sometimes moving, sometimes poignant and completely believable in establishing Oswald's movements.
I have never read the Warren Report, and I think I need to do so if possible. Bugliosi brought up several points from the Warren Commission that I did not knew existed, such as the questioning of Oswald by the Dallas police. I distinctly remember several books saying there was no record of his questioning. Yet Bugliosi quotes the homicide chief and Oswald, apparently, verbatim. Or that there were multiple eyewitnesses to Oswald's murder of Dallas policeman J.D. Tippitt. Again, I remember one book very clearly saying there were no witnesses. I could go on and on.
I feel angry that I was duped, not by the government, but by a bunch of shysters hawking their books lying and twisting facts to suit their own theories.
Finally Bugliosi points out that, on the third and fatal shot, Kennedy's actually moved forward noticeably, before falling backward indicating the shot came from behind. As well as the exit would clearly visible in frame 312 and 313 of the Zapruder film on the side of his head. Not the back where it would have been if he had been shot from the grassy knoll (as I always had thought).
So anyway, I'm now a recovered JFK conspiracy buff. I now know who did it and why. I don't have every question answered, but the weight of evidence is overwhelming on the side of the lone nut firing 3 shots. If you started out believing the Warren Commission, you were smarter than me.