I have heard the Revelation book is being studied for the 4th time since it's release in 1988. We studied it once before I left in 1992. Is it the same edition or has it been revised a few times?
The Revelation book
by donny 24 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Same book with slight revisions.
I guess it will be the last time. It has become too verbose for modern JWs.
It has that typical stamp of the 80s.
According to Wikipedia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Jehovah%27s_Witnesses_Publications#Bible_commentaries ) the only revised edition was in 2006, with a new cover. I believe there had been minor revisions with wording changes since it first came out.
Anyone have a pic of the new cover?
It's the same cover except in paperback.
is'nt the revelation book that had changes sent out in a km for them to cut out and paste in the book where required??
I am still floored that we are studying that relic!
I mean the UN scandal......it is like they are just daring some to out themselves!
You meant to say the Revulsion it's a Grandiose Lie-Max book, right.
An older woman who was in my former book study told me she asked the others after one Revelation chapter: 'Is this making sense to anybody??' I wish I had been there to see the reaction.
There were minor changes to the 2006 version. The changes were highlighted in a KM prior it being studied this time around. After conducting book-study's 2 times with this book I really did not care enough to even note the changes. I believe it was mostly updating figures( same garbage though) Correct me if I'm wrong.