did any of you read the entire bible once...?

by Richie 48 Replies latest jw friends

  • eiu2003

    I read it once cover to cover while at Bethel. That is the only way i made it though!!

  • new light
    new light

    I tried to, but the more I read the less I believed it, so I had to put it down before I lost my religion. Taking it piece by piece, passages make some sense. Reading it straight through exposes so many contradictions against itself, the JW doctrine, and common decency.

  • DanTheMan
    sorry if it annoys/upsets you

    Not at all! Just wasn't sure whether you were aware or not. Newbies to the board sometimes make the mistake of going to page 1 of "Friends" or whatever area and start posting to threads that are like 4 years old and stuff, but you've been around this board long enough that I guess I should've known that it wasn't the case with you. Sorry mate!

    Dan, open-mouth-insert-foot class

  • maxwell

    Yes, once through the NWT in my early teens. I never got through it again although I started again a couple of times at Genesis and tried starting in the Greek scriptures a few times. But I took no notes nor did I study anything. I might have looked up some words I had never heard before but that was it. What I "knew" in the Bible came from the incessant JW indoctrination through studying their publications and looking up scriptures during the weekly regiment of study and at the meetings. Basically, the only thing I gained from reading it through once was the ability to say that I had read through it.

    So who has read through all of Darwin's main publication(s) (sorry can't remember the name now) once?

  • L_A_Big_Dawg

    I'm sure this is repetitive. I didnt read the Bible all the way through untill I left the Borg. I simply didn't have time to do a completely thorough reading till I shook off all the other shackles of mindless reading that I was required to do.

    I still rememeber sitting at the beach read John, and weeping. It was so beautiful to read without someone telling you what it meant according to WT dogma.


  • fraidycat9

    Kinda, sorta. However, when I got to Chronicles (1st and 2nd) the whole "who begat who" stuff was more than I could take. Lost interest and skipped to Ezra. Finally finished the rest over time. Good book though overall. Give it my personal thumbs up.

  • drwtsn32

    The entire thing? No.. I could never get through the dry, boring stuff in the beginning. And I didn't want to force myself to read it just for the sake of reading it. That section simply had no value to me.

    I did read most of the Hebrew scriptures though, and all of the Greek scriptures.

  • LittleToe

    Several times, with several translations.

    I currently recommend "The Message" for a contemporary read, starting at the Gospel of John.

    For a start, reading it like a work of fiction and trying to identify with the primary character, seems to work well for most.

  • ozziepost

    I have to tell ya that a few years back the Australia Branch were concerned at the lack of real Bible reading on the part of the R&F. It was mooted to have a 'campaign' to "encourage" (ya know what that means!) each of the R&F to do it. The move faded off into the ether. Perhaps the Branch Committee didn't like the idea!

    For everyday use, Mrs Ozzie reads the English Standard Version and I use the NIV.

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