I read it once cover to cover while at Bethel. That is the only way i made it though!!
did any of you read the entire bible once...?
by Richie 48 Replies latest jw friends
new light
I tried to, but the more I read the less I believed it, so I had to put it down before I lost my religion. Taking it piece by piece, passages make some sense. Reading it straight through exposes so many contradictions against itself, the JW doctrine, and common decency.
sorry if it annoys/upsets you
Not at all! Just wasn't sure whether you were aware or not. Newbies to the board sometimes make the mistake of going to page 1 of "Friends" or whatever area and start posting to threads that are like 4 years old and stuff, but you've been around this board long enough that I guess I should've known that it wasn't the case with you. Sorry mate!
Dan, open-mouth-insert-foot class
Yes, once through the NWT in my early teens. I never got through it again although I started again a couple of times at Genesis and tried starting in the Greek scriptures a few times. But I took no notes nor did I study anything. I might have looked up some words I had never heard before but that was it. What I "knew" in the Bible came from the incessant JW indoctrination through studying their publications and looking up scriptures during the weekly regiment of study and at the meetings. Basically, the only thing I gained from reading it through once was the ability to say that I had read through it.
So who has read through all of Darwin's main publication(s) (sorry can't remember the name now) once?
I'm sure this is repetitive. I didnt read the Bible all the way through untill I left the Borg. I simply didn't have time to do a completely thorough reading till I shook off all the other shackles of mindless reading that I was required to do.
I still rememeber sitting at the beach read John, and weeping. It was so beautiful to read without someone telling you what it meant according to WT dogma.
Kinda, sorta. However, when I got to Chronicles (1st and 2nd) the whole "who begat who" stuff was more than I could take. Lost interest and skipped to Ezra. Finally finished the rest over time. Good book though overall. Give it my personal thumbs up.
The entire thing? No.. I could never get through the dry, boring stuff in the beginning. And I didn't want to force myself to read it just for the sake of reading it. That section simply had no value to me.
I did read most of the Hebrew scriptures though, and all of the Greek scriptures.
Several times, with several translations.
I currently recommend "The Message" for a contemporary read, starting at the Gospel of John.
For a start, reading it like a work of fiction and trying to identify with the primary character, seems to work well for most.
I have to tell ya that a few years back the Australia Branch were concerned at the lack of real Bible reading on the part of the R&F. It was mooted to have a 'campaign' to "encourage" (ya know what that means!) each of the R&F to do it. The move faded off into the ether. Perhaps the Branch Committee didn't like the idea!
For everyday use, Mrs Ozzie reads the English Standard Version and I use the NIV.