Did You Receive All Those Gifts You Were Supposed To Get All Year Around?

by White Dove 22 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • PEC

    No, never, and anytime I asked for something, I was told the I was being materialistic. I wasn't being materialistic, I was just being a kid.

    Funny, as an adult, when I buy something, I usually, don't buy the best or most expensive. I have seen materialistic and I am not materialistic.


  • sacolton

    My wife (raised JW) only got thrift store toys ... some weren't broken too badly. She never got the toys she wanted though.

    I was told the I was being materialistic.

    So, those elders who drive those fancy BMWs and Mercedes aren't being materialistic? Great role models they were!

  • Lady Zombie
    Lady Zombie

    I got gifts on my parents' wedding anniversary.

  • Alexia

    I did. My mom was generous with me in that regard. My mom would hit up the after x-mas sales like mad!

    I honestly didn’t miss x-mas or any of the holidays much except for not being able to participate in the school activities.

  • misanthropic

    Yes. My dad was a good provider. We always had toys, new clothing, everything we needed physically.

  • TinyDancer124

    I actually did. Granted, they weren't expensive gifts, since there were 4 children and only 1 household income (my mom was a SAHM), but that was okay.

    I still longed for Christmas presents though.

  • Sasha

    A sister once gave me a cheap picture frames with a picture of a bird she cut out of a magazine to prove the POINT!!!!!!!

  • Blasty

    I didn't receive squat, my mother didn't even want me to live with her till the court said she'd have to pay 85% of the child support when they couldn't find my Dad anywhere and had to assume he made minimum wage.

    And then when I moved in, they charged me rent, even though I was in highschool. And I had to buy my own clothes, and I had to pay for my own braces because I had messed up teeth and insisted on them. My teeth were super bad.

    I could go on and on.

    Oh and I was almost born in January, and my mom was pissed because the doctor promised her a tax deduction haha. It's always been about money with my parents. I swear they were probably thrilled not to have to participate in Bdays or Christmas. Don't get me wrong, I think my parents love me, they just put themselves first before their children.

  • SuperApostateGirl

    I would like to hear Hope4Others and Calibers answer on this one!

  • Amber Rose
    Amber Rose

    I remember being probably 7 walking through the toy department with my mom. My mom overheard another mother tell her kid "well, you'll just have to wait and see if you will get it for your birthday." My mom turned to me and said something like, aren't you glad that you don't have to wait for birthdays, we don't need special occasions for presents. I remember thinking, what a load of crap. Today's not a special occasion, I don't suppose you'll buy me a present though. Plus you won't buy me a present for my birthday either.

    My mom did buy us stuff although it was always weird stuff, like '11" Fashion Doll' who's hair wasn't really supposed to be a mohawk but it was anyway. And Dukes of Hazzard stuff. Why? I hated that show! And she never wrapped it up like it was really a "present".

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