unrealistic service attire requirements

by Solace1998 19 Replies latest jw friends

  • Solace1998

    one thing that always got me upset --

    sisters wearing pantyhose all year round?

    brothers OR sisters frowned upon for wearing snowpants whilst going outside in snowstorms or incidences of high snow (quite often in the mountains of PA)


    has anyone gotten around this crap? I have always wondered if this was loosened any.

  • AudeSapere

    My parents took this requirement so seriously that I even had to wear dresses to school. Sometimes I could wear tights but always had to walk. Some days by the time I to or from home, my knees were chapped and bleeding.

    When I got older, there were a few times that I tucked some type of pant into knee-high boots and wore a coat that came just below my knee.

    I felt like I was getting away with something. I felt guilty but at least I wasn't dripping blood on people's doorsteps~!


  • Solace1998

    I got away with alot, but that is just because i was a pioneer/ms who didnt shrink to the ideals of the old fogey-type elders. they just laughed me off and let me go ;)

  • yknot

    Pantyhose were just recently highlighted as a 'stumbing block' for some cultures and for the sister not to wear them.

    We don't always were pantyhose down here in Texas with our lovely flowing flowery sundresses...

    Flip Flops are looked down but if they are dressed up and match they are allowed.

    ...lol gotta suck to be guy in the summer....sadly I this has never crossed my mind.....suits in the summer....lol

    Can you tell my FS tag alongs were with the girls during the week!

    Frankly suits in this rural area standout like a sore thumb.....hell even the Baptist & Methodist wear wranglers to worship service!

    BTW the best & most impeccable dressed Brothers in all of the US.....gotta be those who do San Francisco territory! Total GQ.

  • AudeSapere

    Oh! And when I was in my 20's and pioneering (and even when I wasn't pioneering), I always wore pantyhose. I wore dresses and hose everywhere. To work, to meetings, in service, to DC's at Dodger Stadium. Hair, heels and makeup every day, too. I took weird pleasure in the fact that I did not even own a pair of jeans.

    What a difference now. I've worn a skirt exactly 3 times in the past 4 years (twice was due to knee surgery and once was for special award celebration at work). I rarely wear make-up and my dress is extremely casual. And I own four or five pairs of jeans.

    Sometimes I think I should gussy up a bit more. I mostly save that for my motorcycle rides, though.


  • Jeremy C
    Jeremy C

    The organization is just as Pharisaical and legalistic as ever. Many researchers have noted that cultic groups take pride in "majoring in minor things". This means that they set themselves up as superior due to prohibitions and rules about matters which should not even be an issue. They continuously congratulate themselves on how they are different than everyone else - even if those differences are trivial or irrational.

    The Watchtower organization is fixated upon outward appearance. Remember what Judge Rutherford used to say? "Advertise the King and His Kingdom". To this day, there is indeed a lot of advertising going on. When it comes to the Watchtower's promoting itself among the nations, outward appearance of its members is an obsession.

    What other religious group besides the Mormons would require their members to wear their name badges out in public after the conventions had concluded? It this really a matter of witnessing about Christ Jesus; or advertising the organization? When we consider the fact that Jehovah's Witnesses care much more about the trivial details of a sister's attire than they do about her ability to explain 1914 chronology to a householder; it becomes clear that advertising the organization is the major emphasis.

  • dinah

    I don't even own a dress or pantyhose.

  • almostbitten

    Dinah, this is off the topic, but your pic of the kitten and the name Dinah are giving me the blues. I had a black kitten named Dinah--and I accidentally ran over her!! (:-( I'm still hurting over that.

  • Lady Zombie
    Lady Zombie

    I knew a JW pioneer woman who got frost bite because of the WTBTS FS dress policy.

    Of course, since she didn't have a Full Time job that had benefits, she was saddled with the entire medical bill.

    Then she was made to feel like shit when the elders hounded her because she stopped full time pioneering.

    The poor woman lost 2 toes from one foot, 1 toe from the other foot, and damage to her legs!

    She was DF'd two years later. For what, I don't know.

    *&^% bastards.

  • White Dove
    White Dove

    I threw out all of my outdated dresses from khall days. That means I have no skirts or dresses or blouses left. They looked terrible compared to nice office clothing. They looked nice at the khall, though.

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