unrealistic service attire requirements
by Solace1998 19 Replies latest jw friends
Amber Rose
Nobody ever told me that pantyhose were a must. If they had I would have laughed at them or worse. I hardly ever wore pantyhose. Either heavy tights or bare legs and I never wore heels in FS, ever. Dr. Marten boots in the winter, Dr. Marten oxfords with socks in the summer.
They wanted me to forgo college, work a part-time crappy job, use my own crappy car and finance my pioneering "career" to work for them for free and then try to tell me I had to stick to some sort of dress code - get real!
Actually everything your required to wear as appropriate attire is merely fashion of the 20th and 21st century..... definately no biblical relevance in a tie.
They wanted me to keep my collar button done up in hot weather. It would be so easy to undo the button, but they wanted it to stay done no matter how hot it got. And they wanted me to wear a white dress shirt (which makes no difference if you wear a dark suit coat).
No, they didn't relax the dress code in winter for "sisters" to allow them to wear pants in below freezing weather or when there is deep snow.
I stopped going in service a few months ago, but I have been getting more and more casual at the meetings lately. No suit coat, loose tie... Nobobody has said anything to me about it.
Great post, Jeremy C. :-) x
Tired of the Hypocrisy
Imagine having to walk the hot summer streets of Albuquerque in 100+ degree heat wearing a suit with longsleeve shirt and tie buttoned up tight.....This went on every summer for decades.
ever been to the silver city cong. in NM?
SOLACE- I enjoyed going in service naked to be honest ! Much more air movement for those hot muggy summers ! Had to wear a private area warmer in the winter though ; as it got a bit nippy ! Just teasing ! But I did call on a few naked people answering doors at times ! That was an illuminating experience ! Spiced service up a bit ! Peace out, Mr. Flipper
hehe who HASNT had a naked person at the door ;)