can anybody help me i was brouhgt up a jw i pioneered went to bethel was a ms gave public talks but left because i knew they are false in every way God is good he loves us crhist saved us but these people want to see all killed except the "govering body " and the 1st and 2nd class witnessses the heaven bound and the earth bound i have stayed away from God and other faiths for yrs as felt should not but i have read some stuff about russell and rutherford and this has made me along with what i have found out about 1975 see that i need help from those who know what it is like being brouhgt up in this evil lie i hope that God will direct someone to help me God bless
is there a true jehovah God
by mattbetrayed 19 Replies latest jw experiences
Welcome! God is real IMHO...but you have to seek your own personal relationship with him. You'll get great info here, but it's only the begining.
kzjw what do you mean how do i do this remember i have been feed thing how do you find God for yourself and thaks for answering so fast
Yeah, the first step is to question anything anyone tells you, even the people on this board, and use those questions to find the answers that make sense to you.
I suggest you try to find the relationship between you and God, and despite what the WTBTS says, they are not a mandatory part of loving God.
Matt, I did it by throwing out everything I believed, and I started with the question. Do i believe in God, and if so Why? What people told me, and what they said wasn't enough.
Then once I decided I was sure that I believed in God, I threw out all the doctrine that I was taught, and went to look for my own answers. I decided that God was love, and we are not to judge others like the JW do. And above all, I put a lot of faith in the fruitages of the spirit, because I found them to be good qualities in a person. With those few things I had everything I needed, and realized that a lof of what JW do is directly the opposite of this
The Oracle
Hey Matt,
That was one helluva sentence.
First of all welcome to the board!
Secondly, I believe you will find lots of help here. Take a deep breath...everything will be okay.
The Oracle
Octarine Prince
Jehovah as in Jehovah of Armies, Semitic warrior god -- Yes.
Jehovah - god of WTBTS -- no. -
Relationships w jehovah are one way, ie, he doesn't respond. We have a few people who claim to hear from him, or speak for him. I guess you have to decide for yourself if they are to be believed. If you are not schizophrenic, or otherwise mentally damaged, i doubt that you will hear from jehovah. There are also some people who have had demonic like experiences from jehovah. For instance a poster millionsnowliving gave his experience which involved an attack like that. Read it here
S -
blasty thank you you have made some sense as i see what you are saying that these fruits are paramount yea i work with people that are retarded and i love helping them there are many awitness that would look down on these guys but my point is that the other people i work with are true christ like people they care for those who hav ehad some bad cards delt why would God and christ jesus our lord want to kill them just because they dont knock doors noway jesus is not like that these guys show those fruits you have helped me God bless you
By his words, jesus was somewhat different than jehovah, wouldn't you agree?