You think 4$/gallon gas sucks? We have it so good...

by nvrgnbk 39 Replies latest jw friends

  • nvrgnbk

    Here's a description of life in Zimbabwe from Cathy Buckle, author of African Tears and Beyond Tears.

    Dear Family and Friends,
    In the main supermarket in my home town this weekend there were too many empty
    shelves to count. In the fortnight since Mr Mugabe was sworn in as President for
    his sixth term, everyday life has gone from struggle to complete crisis. No one
    is coping now and in the last two weeks virtually all foodstuffs, toiletries and
    household goods have completely disappeared from stores. On what should have
    been a busy weekend morning in our once thriving town, the car park was
    virtually empty and the only things to buy in the cavernous supermarket were
    cabbages, butternut squash, lemons, fizzy drinks and a few packets of meat.
    "Where are all your goods?" I asked one shop attendant.
    "There is nothing," he said, "the suppliers say they have nothing to deliver."
    I stood while he weighed the butternut squash I had chosen and exclaimed in
    shock at the 30 billion dollar price sticker he fixed to the vegetable.

    "Can I show you something?" the man said and before I could answer he took his
    most recent pay slip out of his pocket. For an entire month the shop assistant
    had earned just 28 billion dollars - not even enough to buy one single butternut
    squash. Eight hours a day, five and half days a week and his entire salary was
    not enough to provide even one single meal. He told me he had a wife and a child
    to support and said with remorse and shame in his voice:
    "I am failing them and if I do not jump the border to look for work this month
    then they are surely going to die."
    They are simple words stating a simple fact - people are surely going to die
    here in Zimbabwe if this situation continues for much longer. Despite their
    desperate determination to stay in power and retain their 28 years of
    leadership of the country, Zanu PF have so far not even acknowledged the
    critical shortage of foodstuffs and basic medicines let alone done anything
    about resolving it.

    Everywhere people have stories of such deprivation and suffering to recount and
    we are a nation in a permanent state of shock. Shock that our lives have been
    reduced to this. Shock that yet again the UN have been unable to find a common
    voice. Shocked that the violence and brutality continues and shocked that yet
    again we are hearing of talks about talks about talks. On the 29th March the MDC
    won a parliamentary majority, It is long past time for them to be sworn in and
    take up the reigns and lead Zimbabwe out of this hell. Until next week, thanks
    for reading, love cathy. Copyright cathy buckle .12 July 2008.

  • Indo_Dude

    Hopefully gas will hit $6 a gallon and stay there. Nothing has helped the oil addicted US more than $4.25 gasoline. For the first time in a long time (several years) total driving miles dropped last month. People need to realize the real cost of commuting and driving.

  • Sway

    When I joined this forum, I was going to avoid all political stuff, but..........

    What's happening in Zimbabwe has nothing to do with someone trying to get to work in Indiana. It's a political problem in Zimbabwe. There is no shortage of oil, food, or anything else on this planet, it's more that we have a surplus of greed. The true cost of oil is about $10/barrel. If we had a true free market, gas would be well under $2/gallon.

    No, we don't have it good in the states. I'm just barely scraping by and a lot of people are in the same boat. Meanwhile, in Saudia Arabia, Qatar, the UAE, etc, gas is a buck a gallon, and they live lives of complete luxury. Go pick on them for a change. Working Americans are getting screwed again like they always do.

  • Mincan
    There is no shortage of oil, food, or anything else on this planet, it's more that we have a surplus of greed.

    Okay, by that logic I will say, we have no shortages of resources, but an overabundance of people... lets kill off 5.5 billion of them so we can use the resources as much as we want.

    Soil (for the time frames we care about) is a finite resource, we've used half of it up on the north american continent since we arrived and leeched all the nutrients... without oil inputs via fertilisers and pesticides/herbicides, we will expect crop yields to drop dramatically just as we don't need this to happen. There is only a limited amount of phosphorus left for fertilisers as well... really to say what you have shows your utter ignorance... try reading "The Fatal Harvest Reader: The Tragedy of Modern Agriculture" or anything on the subject really. Try to research terms like "diminishing returns" "energy returned over energy invested" "Second Law of Thermodynamics" and "basic physics" and you'll be well on your way.

    Meanwhile, in Saudia Arabia, Qatar, the UAE, etc, gas is a buck a gallon, and they live lives of complete luxury. Go pick on them for a change.

    Saudi Arabia has half its population under the age of 25, and there are no jobs for them. This is why they are causing trouble in Iraq, etc, they have no place in their society. The corrupt usupers The Saudi Royals have taken all the wealth and put it into this complete luxury you speak of. just like the US, only the top percentile of people live it.

  • hillary_step


    There is no shortage of oil, food, or anything else on this planet, it's more that we have a surplus of greed.

    Okay, by that logic I will say, we have no shortages of resources, but an overabundance of people... lets kill off 5.5 billion of them so we can use the resources as much as we want.

    Not sure you quite have your 'logic' correct on this one!

    How do you equate 'a surplus of greed' with 'an overabundance of people'.?


  • Mincan

    The relation is the belief that there are no shortage of resources. It's true in the context of population. Only 100 million humans, then yea we don't need to worry again for a while.

  • hillary_step


    The relation is the belief that there are no shortage of resources. It's true in the context of population.

    Flawed logic.

    What the 'greed' pertains to is not population but consumption. Consumption is focused on very distinct areas of the planet.


  • Mincan

    Consumption and Population are both connected to resources.

  • Indo_Dude
    No, we don't have it good in the states. I'm just barely scraping by and a lot of people are in the same boat. Meanwhile, in Saudia Arabia, Qatar, the UAE, etc, gas is a buck a gallon, and they live lives of complete luxury. Go pick on them for a change. Working Americans are getting screwed again like they always do.

    LMAO! Stop your woe is me crap. Even 'poor' Americans have it 5 times better off than most middle class people anywhere else in the world. It's gotten so ridiculous with the amount of cry me a river mentality on this forum. Go spend a week in Nicaragua or Indonesia or Vietnam or Crotia as a 'poor' American and then tell me how hard it is being a 'poor' American. That's not even including any 3rd world nations.

    Most 'poor' Americans have a high def TV if not 2 or 3. Most 'poor' Americans are obese rather than not. Most 'poor' Americans own cars. Most 'poor' Americans have a computer and high speed internet connection amazingly enough. No, those you claim are 'poor' are no such thing. Do they try to live beyond their means? Yes. Are they 'poor'? No.

  • hillbilly

    LMAO! Stop your woe is me crap. Even 'poor' Americans have it 5 times better off than most middle class people anywhere else in the world. It's gotten so ridiculous with the amount of cry me a river mentality on this forum. Go spend a week in Nicaragua or Indonesia or Vietnam or Crotia as a 'poor' American and then tell me how hard it is being a 'poor' American. That's not even including any 3rd world nations. Indi-dude

    Try feedin $90 -hundred weigh beef against $6 dollar corn for a while. That beef equation works real good at $2 or even $3 corn... but with the "eathanol" farce driving corn up ............I dont row crop but I'd have to fold up growing just about any commodity that wont go outta sight agains oil prices over $100 a barrel.

    If we starve the Saudis for a while maybe they will play ball.

    We dont live in the 3rd world...but we feed them...and ourselfs.

    Read a book Indie.... or get out of Philly and see how the "fly-over" part of your country lives. You are clueless.


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