You think 4$/gallon gas sucks? We have it so good...

by nvrgnbk 39 Replies latest jw friends

  • BurnTheShips
    your right....we should all eat free range beef. Corn is the work of the devil.

    I agree, and we have vast amounts of land that are not very arable, but are perfectly good grazing lands. Uninformed people think that meat production is an inefficient diversion of vegetable foods like corn that could be used to feed people directly, but it does not have to be that way.

    Range beef needs hay all winter......... tons of it. All livestock feed (not just corn) is produced using fuel intensive methods.

    The problem is that all of the common modern factory breeds are bred to do well when corn fed. We need to bring back the old breeds that could forage for themselves in the winter. Scottish Highlander cattle pretty much look after themselves, even in places with a terrible winter. Here in Florida, Brahmas and Florida Cracker cattle do the same, depending on how wet/dry the land is.


  • Mincan
    "The Pillars of the Earth" by Ken Follett. Made me very glad to NOT be living in 13th Century England.

    That is my favourite historical fictional novel. However, it was 12th century England, not 13th. Strangely though, after reading that book, all I wanted was to live in such times... if only for excitement. Thank goodness I live in these much more interesting times!

    I agree, and we have vast amounts of land that are not very arable, but are perfectly good grazing lands. Uninformed people think that meat production is an inefficient diversion of vegetable foods like corn that could be used to feed people directly, but it does not have to be that way.

    Hear Hear! Been saying this a long time. I cant stand the Vegan/Fruitarian/Raw Food based argument about land allocation. The problem is often political, economic (lol same thing) or overpoopulation[sic].

  • BurnTheShips

    I read it in March/April. My wife bought it for me as a birthday present. It was pretty good.


  • Mincan

    I dreamt of making a mini-series out of it ala HBO's Rome, can you imagine. I even picked out the soundtrack and actors... lol.

  • RubaDub
    Hopefully gas will hit $6 a gallon and stay there. Nothing has helped the oil addicted US more than $4.25 gasoline.

    I couldn't agree more.

    Even though I drive a significant amount, the only way to get the high mileage cars to this side of the pond is with higher gas prices.

    Keep on going.

    Rub a Dub

  • hillbilly

    I agree, and we have vast amounts of land that are not very arable, but are perfectly good grazing lands. Uninformed people think that meat production is an inefficient diversion of vegetable foods like corn that could be used to feed people directly, but it does not have to be that way.

    Range beef needs hay all winter......... tons of it. All livestock feed (not just corn) is produced using fuel intensive methods.

    Just a note here...."people" dont convert corn as a food very efficently either. Very hard to digest.......passes right through. We dont do well on on wheat either.

    Even if we went to all range beef the market would suffer. We would see an over stock of slaughter ready beef in the Fall that would drive prices down. Then if we want to carry over stock over the winter...those who survive would need supplemental feed to make it over the winter..... that would drive prices through the roof in the spring. A real hard winter or drought would be catastrophic.

    I dont see many of todays kids willing to live in a line shack, haul salt and drive cattle to market now days either. It takes diesel to move these beefs every inch in todays market place. Tending cattle on a big grass spread requires hours a-horseback or on an ATV or pickup truck. One of those skill sets is about dead..... the alternative takes gas.

    As we found out in the 1880' can grow skinny cattle in Texas year round... or fat ones in Montana if they make the winter. For the forseeable future ...the grain conversion -feed lot method is with us. Keep in mind to that the current methods of producing meat is the direct resuslt of industrial development....... we had to figure a way to feed hungry urbanites

    As much as we want to jaw about it food production is fuel intensive. Oil prices that are manipulated by the traders and OPEC will eventually starve all of us if we dont figure out some alternatives.

    Commercial hogs and poultry aint cheap to raise either. All grain, all the time.



  • Mincan

    Having worked in factory farms and lived in several farming communities, I can't wait until the age of the factory farm is over.

  • hillbilly

    The other thing.........( now that I am started) Land costs.

    In some of those 'arable' grazing lands it takes about 40 acres to run one cow -calf pair for the summer. That calf may bring $200-300 a head when he ships to a stocker ranch in the fall after weaning. The mother cow is worth maybe $1000 bucks and we would like to see at least 7 or 8 breeding seasons out of her to break even. Then if she lives to the point of being barren she sells for hamburger or dog food at less than premium prices. Even a young cow who is "open" (breeding didnt take) will get sold......cant afford to feed an open cow.

    Those ecomomics make real good sense against $500 acre land. Now ...find me some. Land near market centers is spendy. In central Oklahoma good land is going to developers and brings $3k and acre these days. So if calfs bring $300 a head and it takes me 40 acres to make one on grass..... you figure it out....... to clear $20 K I need a butt load of ground. Farm and ranch acres are shrinking at an alarming rate nationwide. Most folks cant justify running a $1200 cow calf pair on $3 grand ground. It's good business to sell out and play golf in Florida if you can.

    Fuel costs aside..... you folks are lucky to keep a full belly. So keep wishin for that $6 gas. Then bitch when the Govt plays with markets or pays the crop insurance.



  • hillary_step


    Consumption and Population are both connected to resources.

    Yes, but not in the equal parity you suggest. Do a little research as to consumption in ratio to population for the worlds nations and it will show just how heavily flawed your logic is. You connected 'population' with 'greed'. As I said, flawed logic. HS

  • BurnTheShips

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