Hi maximumtool,
You are excellent. You are one of the small pin pricks of light that I spoke of. If you re read what I said I think you will find that we are in total agreement.
You started your reply with one of the most intelligent things that can be said. “I will admit that I am confused.” This admission no doubt led you out of the dark room of creationism.
Anything can be said to be true if we focus on what we don't know. Just insert your own explanation and continue to walk around blindly. (creationism)
Let us focus on what we know to be true and the answers will make themselves known. 1 + 1 = 2. (evolution)
Is one flu shot enough?
(no, we are advised to get new flu vaccinations due to evolution of the virus)
Who is scared of the bird flu?
(many people who reject evolution are scared that the bird flu may one day transfer to humans, this requires evolution)
Where did we come from? Nature speaks to us, we only have to listen. DNA has a voice of its own.
Is the Bible from God or is it ancient Hebrew mythology? If we perform proper exegesis the Bible tells us.
Do you still think these two statements are contradictory? Nature tells us the truth. The Bible speaks to us too, it says, “Hello, I’m ancient Hebrew mythology, the Earth is flat”.
You said, “we should make conclusions based on evidence, not what we "listen" to”.
My definition of “listening” is this: Conclusions based on evidence.
Unfortunately many people are deaf. The good news is that the hearing can be restored.