Wow, my husband it totally freaking out on me. I presented an ample amount of information that I found about birthdays (this happened to be the topic under discussion). Mind you, I presented info from ONLY the WT and Awake. He wouldn't even let me finish!! He started freaking out saying that he can't handle me asking these questions. It got pretty ugly. If you want more details, send me a message.
by heybaby 13 Replies latest jw experiences
I so am sorry......PMing you
Heybaby....sounds also PMing you
I feel ya', my wife freaked out about week ago. And that's after having a one on one, where she acknowledge the false hoods of the WTBTS a few days before...
Stay strong...
Finding out your beliefs are a load of rubbish can be extremely troubling. Be patient with him.
It's always a shock to a JW at first when someone starts asking questions about the organizations doctrines with ample proof of it being incorrect. Their minds just go into defensive overdrive. It's part of the process to get them to start thinking on their own instaead of the Society thinking for them.
He's freaking out because his whole belief system is being attacked. It's a very weird feeling to think that something you believed in for so long is a lie, it takes time to assimilate the info. My 15-year-old son (now 25) freaked out when he caught me reading "Crisis of Conscience." He started crying and I felt so terrible, but it didn't take him long to start opening his eyes and see the truth about "the truth."
Of course he freaked out. His whole world is caving in. Go easy on him.
The one thing I understand the least about a dub... why they defend the actions of men they've never met, and attack a family member whom they claim to love? WTF? A person they know in the flesh, who they may have known all their lives is attacked while some men they can't even name are defended.
I really don't understand this... I mean the man sleeps with you, you're his wife... and defends men to whom which he probably can't name more than one or two of...?????????,
How can someone ignore facts being presented, defend those whom he doesn't know, and then get pissed at the lady he has sex with? I just don't get that shi% -
It's called cognitive dissonance, dawg. Look it up.
Like a chinese finger trap, the harder you pull, the harder they resist.
Guess how you get out of the trap?