Hillary_step says:I just do not think there is that much interest among Board members these days for the kind of work that Jan produced. Most threads these days are really just 'upmarket' chat logs, with the odd interesting thread thrown in. I suppose there are only so many ways that one can sing the same song.
However, there are thousands of lurkers who need information, so your time is not wasted. Information, education is the key to emotional liberation from a cultic environment. I have noticed that some people who post here, despite not going to meetings etc, are still emotionally attached in many ways to the WTS. I think this is due to the fact that they have not 'informed' themselves out of the WTS but have just drifted in with a new style of 'friend'.
Some of the most compelling essays written about the WTS were done in the early days of the Internet and are still out there ready for research for those who need them. Information is the only sort of support that really frees a person from the damaging emotional thinking that a high control religion, like the WTS, impresses on the mind.
It takes a special kind of patience to wade through long essays crammed with bibliography, I'll grant you!
I've tried to crack this obstacle, but, the length of the information is always daunting.
I think it may be as simplistic as breaking it up into smaller chunks and introducing the material by a conversational style before and after the key points.
Also, visually, if it all runs together into a paragraph the size of the Empire State Bldg. all is lost.
I wish I had more patience to do this.
I'm waiting for my 24 hour clock restriction to run out so I can post more.
I find the details particularly interesting when they are laid out in a time line!
I think Newbies benefit most from an historical revealing of what lay behind the ORGANIZATION that was hidden from them.
It whets the appetite for more.