how many wanted to just run away?...disappear?....after....

by oompa 38 Replies latest jw friends

  • Dagney

    Hell yes! Running away and reinventing myself was a daily desire, but not an option.

    In retrospect, facing the sad tough times head on allowed me to work through things fairly quickly I think.

  • chickpea

    it isnt so much run away as get away

    this joint is small town america
    just yesterday in the "bigger" town
    there were 3 run-ins with dubs
    (one big super-center, if ya get the drift)

    there is a level of snubbery going on
    altho we have not formally DA'd or
    been DF'd as far as i know....
    one (elder) was close enough to spit on
    but he never even looked at us.....

    my mindset is moving toward
    just forgetting i ever knew them....
    already i have to struggle for names
    and i hope it is the same in their camp too

    if it was opportune to run....
    i would be soooo outta here

  • yknot

    Yes......but I am so tied to the organization......So I make lemonade and do my best to get everyone out.

    I may not be winning the present battle but that doesn't mean I won't win the war!

  • DanTheMan

    It was interesting how it all worked out for me. I had been given private reproof back in the Fall of 2001, and around the same time that occurred, a sister that I had had a brief but emotionally intense relationship with earlier in the year had started sitting with her new beau at the KH. Said beau was a new bro to the area that she totally came on to right in front of me when we were out one night. I couldn't stand to see her with him, and the elders knew about the situation (of course), and were more sympathetic to me as they didn't have much use for this sister; she had a history of scandalous behavior and had a lot of wreckage in her wake (divorces, affairs, several disfellowshippings).

    And so after my JC was over, we were making some small talk, and I told them that I might start attending a different cong. They understood and even encouraged it. But lo and behold I just never got around to attending that different cong save but one time. By the time the elders figured out that I wasn't attending meetings anywhere, I was well on my way out. I also moved shortly after that, and that was that. Aside from a coworker and a couple of pass-by's at restaurants and grocery stores, I haven't seen any dubs that I used to know in the six years since I left.

  • jaguarbass

    It was and is upsetting to realize life has no purpose or meaning.

    The Wactower told us how wrong and bad everyoneelse was and now we see there are just a few old wizards,buzzards, in brooklyn behind the curtain.

    But where you gonna run? And when you get there. there you are, you're still you. And everything is still the same, a world with no meaning or purpose. One big clusterfuxs.

  • Turkey Sandwich
    Turkey Sandwich

    I almost did.

    I applied for a job that would have me travelling cross-country (tech installation job...pretty good actually) but didn't get hired. Not long after, I got a better local job and was able to move out on my own. Being able to live this double life on my own terms (no more service) has made it easier. But not easy.

  • changeling

    I had an "ahh, haa" moment sitting on my sofa. I thought: "It's over", and never looked back.

    Who'd it go with Dad?

    changeling :)

  • JK666


    It has two acronyms.

    F**k everything and run.

    Face everything and recover.

    You have the choice!



  • Razhor

    My question to you all is why run away. Are you afraid of what they can do to you? NOTHING.... The worst they can do is disfellowship you. I know that your family (if they are J-dub's) won't be able to talk to you. But that's all B.S. Who makes the rules? The governing body? They are just a bunch of old men locked inside a room all day thinking of the next phase of control. How can they control you??? It says in the Bible (if it's true or not I don't know) that every man (or woman) was given free will. So how can any man control another? FEAR. They put the fear in you since childhood. Even if you came into the "truth" as an adult, they still instill fear into everyone. I myself was one of those persons for 24 years. I was brought up that way and finally realized that I am smarter than that, I CAN think for myself and try to find the answers to questions they could not.

    So why should you run away? what you can to stay away from their influence. Thank you X-brothers and sisters.


  • yknot


    Why would we want to run start over, to puke, to detox, to not have to be confronted and lose family & friends.

    Not everyone can survive losing their entire support structure.

    My sister was 'lost' for 15 years because of DFing.

    Humans are family/ community unit prone.

    BTW to JWD !

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