Scientology: Better Or Worse Than JW's?

by gloobster 25 Replies latest jw friends

  • Quandry

    It is like trying to pick a favourite nostril.

    Well, that creates quite a mental picture.....

    Thanks, Trevor, for a good laugh!!!!

    Also, there was a documentary not long ago on TV about Scientology, and a young woman told how she had to leave her family and work at the headquarters when she was just a child. They are awful....if a member does not agree, they are called "criminals" as was demonstrated recently by Tom Cruise....

  • Solace1998

    Scientology for sure

  • lisaBObeesa


    They are more dangerous in so many, many ways.

  • sacolton

    Scientology, but not by much.

  • JK666



  • james_woods

    There is actually a lot of structural similarity:

    Both started by a true crackpot with delusional ideas. Both men named themselves a special prophet to the world.

    Both saw this original guru supplanted by a come-from-nowhere new leader who wrested power away from the chosen successors by deceipt.

    Medical Contraversy - Witnesses: the vaccine hatred, the later blood ban. CSI - hatred of psychology, anti-depressent drugs, proponent of various near-quackery "self cures". Both promoted pseudo-scientific "healing or analysis" electrical machines at some point or another.

    Control Freaking - Both groups cannot be called anything other than "extreme high-control organizations".

    Centralization of Power - Both the early JWs and more recently CSI destroyed their older "independent" congregations and brought it under central control of the governing corporate authority. Brutally and without warning, as a matter of fact.

    Theological Weirdness - dealers choice here. I could not really pick: a) Xenu the evil alien who put all evil souls in the universe into volcanoes on earth and blew them up with hydrogen bombs. b) War-god YHWH who is coming very soon to kill almost all the 6.6 billion people living on earth because they are not converted to JWism.

    Hatred of Government - again, take your choice. Brought on by numerous lawsuits, tax evasion issues, personal liberty issues, etc - but in both cases, things they did themselves caused the "persecutions".

    Love of the Occult - while both deny this, there are numerous Occult ties to each, and each secretly believe in decidedly strange occultic phenomenons even today.

    Money Grubbing from Members - Scientology wants you to make as much as possible, and then give most of it to them. Witnesses want you to make as little as possible, spending most of your time selling their magazines and recruiting, and then give a good part of what little you do have to the "worldwide ministry".

    Six of one, Seven of the other. Both are really too weird for words.

  • burningbridges

    Oh tough one. Witnesses hide behind the guise of God and that is pure evil in its essence. The scientologists however are pure nuts though but at least dont do it in the name of God. I'd say its a close tie. Both destroy families. Awful.

  • drew sagan
    drew sagan
    Witnesses hide behind the guise of God and that is pure evil in its essence. The scientologists however are pure nuts though but at least dont do it in the name of God.

    Instead they do it all in the name of "Science" and then hide behind that. They even have some front organizations that go by different names in order to push their cause.

    Hide behind God, hide behind science, what's the difference.

  • jaguarbass

    The building block of Scientology is that it was created by a pulp science fiction writer L.Ron Hubbard.

    His famous words which to me are as freeing and liberating as the Wactchtowers Cry of "1975", are,

    "Writing for a penny a word is rediculous, If a man really wanted to make a million dollars the best way to do it would be to start his own religion."

    I wonder if the Scientologist are discouraged from researching the media regarding their beliefs.

    I live near Clearwater, Scientologies business headquarters.

    Just this weekend I saw a man riding down the road on his bicycle with a placard on "Scientology is false"

    I wonder if Apostates picket or wear placards in Brooklyn exposing the Wactower Society?

  • Terry

    The number of people whose lives were wasted, ended or sacrificed for purposes of "faith" in a religion is my standard of answering.

    Jehovah's Witnesses win hand's down.

    Thousands and thousands of men, women and children have died at the whims of Watchtower policy unnecessarily.

    Children die from lack of medical treatment and suffer from sexual predators without mercy. Women endure abuse and disfellowshipping and have their families torn from them as well as suffer second class citizenship. Men have been martyred, served prison sentences and endured an empty life of low income and servitude.

    Only people who can afford to purchase Scientology auditing are allowed to participate in the religion. Among JW's people are driven into a low education, low earning, impoverishment on a worldwide basis and encouraged to donate all they own to the Society.

    Scientology does some charitable work with drug rehab, but, Jehovah's Witnesses are devoid of charity altogether with no hospitals, no women's shelters, no job training, no universities or childcare facilities. Further, members can be disfellowshipped for serving their community whatsoever joining meals on wheels programs, boy scouts or big brother programs.

    The legacy of Jehovah's Witnesses runs red with the blood of unwitting dupes who believed their personal sacrifice actually meant something by way of serving their god.

    At worst, Scientology is the authoritarian invention of a crackpot science fiction writer that is at war with psychology, psychiatry and the drug industry. Their fangs and claws have been clipped by government crackdowns all over the world. They only engage now in threats of coercion against their enemies.

    Jehovah's Witnesses have done no less.

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